Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Voters' Remore & 24-Hour Stores

Voters’ Remorse and 24-Hour Stores
The View from the Middle

I was listening to Jehmu Greene this morning on Fox demonstrate her blind, partisan POV.  Jehmu described Trump’s new tactic of pushing the “voters’ remorse” angle as desperation.  She obviously can’t recognize brilliant tactical moves unless her own party performs them.  

I compare this tactic to a retail store’s decision to stay open for 24 hours.  They don’t do this because there is a ton of business being done between midnight and six in the morning.  They do it because changing their hours to 24 hours a day will increase their business significantly during normal business hours, like from 8:00 am through 6 or 7:00 pm.  This is just a fact of retailing.

Donald Trump is not suggesting that people should change their votes because he expects thousands of people to do so.  He might be lucky to get a few hundred.  There are only six states left where you can still change your vote.  He is pushing this message because he believes it will have a big impact on people who have yet to cast their votes.

We all should just be honest and recognize “smart” when we see it.


  1. wow. I spent a little time in retail and never knew that. learn something new ever day:)

  2. Kevin, I am totally lost with your analogy that a retail store will see a significant "lift" in sales between the hours 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. once the retailer announces they are open 24 hours. I am missing something here that should not surprise you considering we both know where I received my college degree!!!!!!
