Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Comey, Paragon or Pinhead

Comey – Paragon or Pinhead?
The View from the Middle

How quickly things can change, especially in politics.  Just a few months ago, Democrats were calling James Comey, the Director of the FBI, a giant of a man.  He was a brilliant man with integrity coming out his tukhus, a man without a partisan bone in his body.  Today, the Democrat Party seems to think he is an idiot and a partisan hack who is intent on influencing the election in favor of Donald Trump.  According to Harry Reid, Mr. Comey is a criminal in violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits some members of the executive branch from participating in some political activities.  But, then again, who is actually listening to the soon to be a memory, proud, admitted liar that is Harry Reid.
But I digress.  The point is, it is amazing how fast a person can move from hero to goat in the sleazy world of US politics.  This is just one more reason why over 80% of Americans don’t trust our government any more.  Since neither you nor I can trust any of the hypocrites in Washington, we all need someone who isn’t partisan to give us an unvarnished opinion of Mr. Comey, someone in the middle.  Enter Kevin Canfield and The View From the Middle.
Just to cut to the chase, it is my opinion that James Comey is a pinhead in this situation.  I wrote an article back in July denouncing Mr. Comey’s press conference on Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.  First, he should have never accepted the responsibility of deciding whether or not to indict Hillary Clinton.  He should have done his job.  He should have completed his investigation and passed the facts of the case on to the Justice Department and let them do their job, which is to decide to indict or not.  He bailed out Loretta Lynch, who demonstrated incredibly poor judgment by meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix just one week before she was to decide on the Hillary Clinton indictment.
Comey compounded that mistake by holding a press conference to explain his decision.  He then proceeded to indict Hillary Clinton in the court of public opinion before inexplicably absolving her of prosecution.  That whole performance left many Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, scratching their heads.  That performance also led to tremendous disharmony among current and retired FBI agents.
Now Comey has tripled down on his mistakes by publicly announcing that he is re-opening his investigation into Hillary’s email.  All of this is like watching Comey fall down a flight of stairs in slow motion.  If there isn’t an absolute smoking gun in this batch of emails, and there is no indication so far that there is, we should all be demanding Comey’s resignation.
Personally, I think Hillary Clinton is dishonest and self-serving and represents everything that is wrong with Washington, but that doesn’t justify the means just because it results in an end that pleases me.  There better be a smoldering 357 Magnum with a chamber spent and Hillary’s fingerprints on Weiner’s computer.
Defenders will suggest that Comey had no choice.  He must make this revelation now or risk having to expose it later and risk criticism on the other side.  The reality is, there are other less public ways to reinvigorate this investigation than what he did.  He had to know the political upheaval this announcement would cause.
But, The View From the Middle can’t ignore a couple of nagging facts that drive this snake pit of a situation.  First, we would not even be where we are if Hillary Clinton wasn’t the lying, paranoid narcissist that she is.  It is she who arranged for her own personal server in the basement of her home in Chappaqua.  She may try to distract us all by saying other Secretaries of State used personal email accounts, but no other Secretary of State created their own server.

Finally, it should distress all of us if even one of Hillary Clinton’s emails are found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.  Weiner is a sleazebag of the first order and capable of all kinds of immoral, unethical and even illegal actions.  Do we really want a President who is at the mercy of people like Anthony Weiner? 

1 comment:

  1. Comey tried to put the Genie back in the bottle, and re-establish the integrety of the investigative process. This, of course, is impossible to do. The impact is minimal politically...although it puts the race back in a dead heat. Voters know enough to decide how they wish to vote...so let's let the chips fall where they may. Afterwards, the investigation can be concluded...indictments brought, or not...Pardons issued by Obama, or not...and move on to the next chapter of a Clinton Presidency or a Trump Presidency...and pray that it won't be the final chapter for America as we know it. Bob Irvin
