Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The 15 Day Coronavirus "Slow the Spread" Plan

The 15 Day Coronavirus “Slow the Spread” Plan
The View from the Middle

There is an old adage that stipulates, “No one is perfect”. That may be more than just an axiom and probably should be stated as a fact. This adage/fact goes for countries as well. In the beginning stages of the Coronavirus spread, China was far from perfect. They hid information and or lied about its impact from other countries which allowed this virus to reach a pandemic level. Italy obviously fell asleep at the wheel and even here in the United States we were not perfect, but in my opinion, we were pretty darn good.

The travel ban to and from China was a great early move that, while actually criticized by some at the time, has been acknowledged by health professionals to have saved thousands of infections and maybe even lives. I questioned the travel ban on Europe a few days ago only to hear in the last couple of days that the epicenter of this virus has moved there. I guess the President’s task force was actually ahead of the game and made another good move with that ban. We have had some glitches with the test availability early on, but that now seems to have been fixed. I was at Quest Diagnostics this morning, just to have my blood drawn for a lipids test, and I asked about the Coronavirus testing. My nurse assured me that if anyone needed a test (recommended by their doctor) they are having no problems completing them.

Communications in the beginning was mixed. Trump, playing his dual role of “Encourager in Chief” and health advisor, may have been too positive. I think he was just trying to give some balance to the media who was in early-onset panic mode. I don’t think this caused anyone to book a cruise or plan a convention so few if any people suffered from his statements. For the last three weeks, however, since Pence was tapped to lead the Coronavirus task force, the communications have been excellent.

All of the advice from this task force has come from healthcare professionals like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and our country’s Surgeon General, Jerome Adams. Early on they communicated some common-sense practices that everyone should be following, like washing your hands, etc. I repeated that advice in my article on March 2nd. This task force has been meeting daily and almost without rest to track this disease around the world and around this country and giving their best counsel to the administration. They are now holding DAILY press briefings, which I encourage all of you watch. In fact, I would suggest you turn off the news and watch this press conference every day. You will be better informed and encouraged at the same time.

Yesterday, they announced a 15-day plan to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. This was brilliant in a number of ways. First of all, people are having a hard time grasping when this threat will be over. It’s too far away. The challenge is too big. This plan gives us all a short-term strategy that we can execute in the next two weeks that will have a major impact on America’s recovery. It reminds me of the movie “What About Bob” where Dr. Leo Marvin (played by Richard Dreyfuss) wrote a book called “Baby Steps”. His patient “Bob” is played by Bill Murray and suffers from seemingly countless phobias. Sounds a lot like our country right now. It’s just the kind of movie you may want to watch now to take you mind off of this virus. In the movie, the doctor’s book suggests that if you can’t grasp the end of a long project or assignment, you should make little, short-term goals (baby steps) that will eventually get you there. This 15 day plan is “just what the doctor ordered”, so to speak for our country.

Kudos to Pence, Fauci, Birx, Adams and the entire task force for utilizing this “baby steps” strategy for our entire country. For your convenience, I have included a link to the 15 Day Plan below. Just copy it into your browser and It will take you right there. THIS is the kind of information you should be consuming throughout this challenging time. And remember, 99% of the people who contract this virus will recover completely.


John Kennedy once said, “Victory (success) has a thousand fathers, but Defeat (failure) is an orphan.” If all of the steps that this administration is taking works, and the impact on America is less than predicted (and some predictions have been draconian) we will have every politician in America trying to take credit. Let’s just hope that happens and we can all laugh at their antics. God bless you all and this great country. Be healthy, sane and safe.


  1. We will survive and thrive, because that's what humanity does. In the Middle East there are bombings and rockets sometimes daily and life goes on. Humans are extraordinary like that.

    Nothing will change the fact that we lost at least 2 months of getting ready, if not more, due to White House actions, or more accurately, minimization and inaction. 2 months where they refused to rehire the pandemic team, publicly said it was a hoax and made statements to minimize it, refused testing kits, took no action to prepare for the disruption to daily life.

    That will remain immutable fact. What a shame.

    1. Matt, again you are mister negativity. Everything is Trump's fault, and that in itself is not true, plus all your "facts" above are incorrect.

      1. We didn't lose 2 months. Trump's China travel ban has been praised by every thinking health expert. Although it was attacked in the beginning as an over reaction.
      2. The pandemic team was never eliminated. That has been all over the news, just look it up and stop spewing inaccurate information.
      3. Even the Washington Post said that Trump did not call the virus a hoax. They said the saying he called it a hoax was a lie. Get your facts straight.
      4. You can blame the CDC for any issues with the testing kits. You can blame them if you want, but I'm going to assume they were making the best decisions they could at the time.

      You accuse Trump of lying and then you tell four whoppers. Your TDS is still on fire.

      PLUS - What do any of these comments have to do with the 15 day plan?

    2. 1. We did lose 2 months. Right now our per capita testing is on the level of Vietnam. Trump's China travel ban certainly didn't hurt, but it was a drop in the bucket as the testing is showing now. Far too little because he wasn't taking it seriously. You've seen the videos, you know that's true.

      2. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/31/coronavirus-china-trump-united-states-public-health-emergency-response/

      3. Here's everything Trump said. Argue with him because he's telling a different story than you are (or he was until about a day ago): https://thebulwark.com/anatomy-of-a-viral-lie/

      4. "I take no responsibility at all." This is the modern Republican Party motto. Or maybe, "If you're a star they let you do it." Sad.

      I just linked you to the facts on every one of those. Not one lie.

      The 15 day plan is nice, but the only plan that matters now is getting tests out so we can have some idea of the magnitude. And again, we lost at least 2 months on that. Of course, things like that are never Trump's fault, right? Strangely, his supporters give him credit for everything until that thing goes wrong. Then the blame shifting starts. Again, sad that this is the modern Republican Party. It's not the one I grew up with.

    3. I'm not going to chase every false claim the media makes, but here is a very balanced answer with real facts that technically graded your claim that Trump eliminated the pandemic team as - mostly false. Now, I'm moving on:


    4. You criticize "the media" but cite Breitbart? Oooookkk. But because I do believe screaming "the media" is silly (particularly given that Breitbart is part of "the media" under any normal definition" let's take that seriously. First, you misstated the very first line of their assessment. It isn't "mostly false":

      "VERDICT: Partly false. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton “dissolved” the pandemic office but staff remained to deal with the issue."

      By the way, I didn't say he eliminated the pandemic team - I said he didn't rehire the ones who left after he dissolved the team. Here's what actually happened, if you want to be precise:

      "Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

      It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time."

      In short, Trump was unprepared and made no effort to get prepared. This is consistent with Trump's model as there are hundreds of unfilled post in DHS right now. Of those he does fill, loyalty is usually far more of a qualification than competency.

  2. Currently, Steve Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi deserve real credit for getting legislation moving and working together to compromise to at least get us started with dealing with this.

    1. Mnuchin works for Trump! Now he's your hero. Back when Trump chose him the media crucified the choice, and probably so did you.

    2. I know he does. I'm complimenting him for this work he did. I believe in appreciating things done right and complimenting those who do so. Likewise, I believe in criticizing things done wrong or poorly, without the necessity of whataboutism.
      I thought you did too?

      I'm no fan of most of the Treasury Secretaries of the past few administrations, most of which came from and seem to exist to service Wall Street. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it when they do something that does benefit regular people.

    3. Wow, an actual compliment to Trump. Let's just leave it at that. Now, what do you think of the task force communications and the 15 day plan. FYI - I received a call from a brilliant doctor friend of mine and he thinks both are excellent. Just saying...

    4. I complimented Mnuchin.

      Task force communications are muddled at best. The 15 day "plan" isn't a plan - at least if it's what you linked. It's something that is good advice, certainly. And as I said, it was really good advice two months ago when experts were encouraging it and our leader was saying, and I quote:

      "We have it totally under control.. . It's one person coming from China, and we have it under control. . . It's going to be just fine." - 1/22

      1/28 - Trump retweets an article that says Johnson & Johnson was working on a vaccine - totally false.

      "Working closely with China and others on Coronavirus outbreak. Only 5 people in US, all in good recovery." 1/30.

      “We had 12, at one point. And now they’ve gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered,” 2/23

      “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.” 2/24

      "“I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.” End of February

      ""The [coronavirus] tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. This was not a perfect as that, but pretty good." March 6. False.

      "We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus." 3/8

      "“So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu,” he tweeted. “It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”" 3/9

      "“When people need a test, they can get a test,” he said. “When the professionals need a test, when they need tests for people, they can get the test. It’s gone really well." 3/10 A lie.

      "We are doing very precise Medical Screenings at our airports." 3/15 - A lie.

      Please, please stop trying to sell the "Trump was on top of this from the beginning. The Administration has really handled this well" line. It just doesn't work. You literally have to pretend that the President truly has no responsibility for his own Administration for that to be true.

      When I read that kind of thing, I think of Orwell: "“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

  3. Expect to see this, and the 5 or so others that are similar, circulating through November:


    Whether you believe them or not, they are effective because they're not other candidate produced and consist of only Trump's words.

  4. We are led by a childlike fool. Businesses shutting down, worldwide stock markets crashing, people scared. This is what he has to say today:

    "95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, 53% overall. Not bad considering I get nothing but Fake & Corrupt News, day and night. “Russia, Russia, Russia”, then “the Ukraine Scam (where’s the Whistleblower?)”, the “Impeachment Hoax”, and more, more, more....

    ....Also, according to the Daily Caller, leading Sleepy Joe Biden in Florida, 48% to 42%."

  5. I know that Trump's name-calling really bothers you, but it's OK if you call him a "childlike fool". That's you opinion.

    All the other stuff in your comment is correct. The media did cry Russia, Russia, Russia for two years and then was proven wrong by the Mueller report. I didn't hear any apologies. The Ukraine investigation / impeachment was a partisan attempt to pervert the constitution, and if Trump doesn't tweet this stuff, his side is never told.

    And still, what does this have to do with the 15 day plan? For you, no matter what the question is, the answer is "Trump's a jerk". What's your favorite color? I know, Trump's a jerk. TDS at its worst.

    1. The childish name calling doesn't bother you? You don't expect more from a President?

      I don't know who "the media" is. Is it Fox? NBC? Zerohedge.com? When someone says "the Media" says something, I really hear just lazy thinking. Again, there are literally hundreds of thousands of websites, papers, channels, opinion shows, hard news shows, etc. Which one are you referring to?

      What was proven "wrong" by the Mueller Report? And who said it? The Ukraine investigation was a perversion of the Constitution? Which part of the Constitution? Everything followed the process laid out in the Constitution. You may not think it's something that should have constituted impeachment, but that doesn't make it a perversion of anything.

      Trump's story isn't told? I assume you're joking.

      I don't understand why you're going on about a 15 day plan when we're at least 2 months into this. OK, we have a plan for 15 days. And? It's not really even a "plan" - it's just some guidance. Guidance that experts were giving months ago when Trump was belittling the threat. NOW we're supposed to be awed by its genius? That makes little sense.

    2. "Trump's story isn't told." I still can't get over how funny that is.

    3. Every time someone starts telling you it's the Chinese virus, or Tom Cotton starts spreading his bioweapon fears, remember the different tune the President was singing just a little over a month ago:


      "“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus,”"

      They use the "China virus" thing to deflect blame and to attempt to create an enemy. The current Republican party is not based on policy, or principle, but on inflaming you to hate the "other", and any "other" will do. The Chinese they were praising a month ago are just the current scapegoat.

      That is not the historic Republican Party, and is not the best of America. It is the worst. May we never forget this.

  6. Here's a non-Trump related question. How long do you think this lasts? I can't find any news on the production and distribution of tests and how that's going. I'm no expert, but it seems to me that is the key to really getting a handle on what happens next.

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