Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Coronavirus Reality Check - Part II

A Coronavirus Reality Check – Part II
The View from the Middle

A good friend of mine, who just happens to also be a brilliant doctor, called me yesterday with some comments about my recent posts concerning the Coronavirus. He agreed with the direction that my posts have taken, particularly concerning the counsel that I have been repeating from the government concerning basic hygiene and social distancing. He did, however, point out that if you simply do the math (that is divide the global deaths by the number of infected people worldwide) the death rate is slightly over 4%. The opposite side of that statistic is that 96% of people survive.

If you look at the US numbers as of this morning, 9,415 people have contracted the Coronavirus and we have experienced 150 deaths. That’s a 1.6% death rate in the America so far. This would suggest that more than 98% of people here will not succumb to this disease. Why the difference between the US and global numbers? We are earlier in the life of this virus, but we may have also done a better job in mitigating this virus. Many would suggest that we also have a better medical care system here than in China and even Italy, which is having a huge problem. I’ll get back to Italy because my friend had some warnings relating to their circumstances.

I don’t want to confuse my readers, but there is even a third death rate that you need to be aware of, and that is the projection by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who works at NIH (National Institute of Health) and is on the President’s Coronavirus task force. He estimates that the death rate for this virus is 1%, which is still a death rate ten times higher than our annual flu. This is the number that I have been using when I have said that 99% of people who contract this virus will survive.

Now, why is Dr. Fauci’s number lower than the actual math would suggest? Dr. Fauci believes that the denominator in our equations (the number of people infected) is too low. I, and I suspect Dr. Fauci, believe that the numbers from China are wrong. Either because their healthcare system isn’t as efficient as ours, or they are lying. Take your pick, their numbers are wrong. While it is much harder to ignore a dead body, it is much easier to overlook an infection, accidentally of intentionally. Even in the US, I expect our infected numbers to go up as the disease progresses and more testing is done.

Whether the recovery rate is 96% or 98% or 99%, neither my good friend nor I are suggesting that this is not a serious challenge for our country. The good doctor wanted me to point out that no matter what the overall death rate is, it is much higher in the elderly and those with underlying health issues such as diabetes, emphysema and heart disease. We don’t have that number, but it could be 10% or 20% or even higher. He wanted to warn these people to take extra precautions – wash hands often (particularly before eating), avoid unnecessary travel and practice social distancing. Actually, that’s not bad advice for all of us.

My good friend did applaud the new daily news briefs led by Vice President Pence and his Coronavirus task force. He particularly liked the 15 day “slow the spread” plan for all the reasons that I laid out in my article on that subject. He is confident that we will overcome this national health challenge, but would like to see our leadership learn from the real crisis occurring in Italy right now.

Italy got a slow start on their mitigation effort which allowed the spread of this disease to put tremendous pressure on their entire healthcare system. Italy shows us what can happen if we don’t take this threat seriously. Currently, their infection numbers are almost half of China’s, despite the fact that Italy has only 5% of the population of China. And they have experienced almost 3,000 deaths, almost the same number as China where this virus originated. My doctor/friend would encourage us all to take mitigation practices very seriously so we don’t become Italy, but crush this virus before it becomes rampant. Check the 15-day plan for specific details. He would also encourage the administration to build capacity on hospital space and supplies right now so that we don’t get behind the curve that Italy finds itself in back of today.

The good news is that I heard progress on all of these issues at the press briefing this morning. The capacity issue is being addressed, even with some pretty creative ideas. The now idle cruise line industry has offered the government the use of some of their ships as floating hospitals. This could be VERY effective in the three hot spots in the United States (California, New York and the state of Washington) all of which host many ports that could utilize this gift. There are also 10 counties in these states that account for 50% of the Coronavirus cases in the entire United States. They could use some creative solutions.

Masks, mostly to protect our valiant healthcare workers, are now being produced by the private part of Trump’s public/private partnership by the tens of millions per week. Producing and distributing respirators is another priority of this administration and it appears that they are on top of it. Drugs like Chloroquine, Remdesivir and Favipiravir are being fast-tracked in studies or in production to help treat those who have acquired the virus. These are not exactly cures for the Coronavirus, but they will reduce the symptoms, speed recovery and reduce the death rate.

My friend is optimistic that we will meet the challenge of the Coronavirus, but wants everyone to know that only if we take the appropriate steps today (check out the 15 day plan) can we avoid the issues that Italy is facing today.


  1. Some good news: The President announced today we have a new drug approved by the FDA to treat coronavirus!

  2. Well shoot, that didn't take long:

  3. Matt, Don't go looking for the negative. You can always find it. Chloroquine has been around for over 70 years and in use in the US for malaria. It has demonstrated effectiveness against Covid-19 particularly in China. The FDA is fast-tracking its use here for the Coronavirus. This is good news that we should not disregard.

    1. That's neither negative nor positive. It's basic competence. You worked for a large organization. If your leadership consistently misstated basic factual information, that leadership would be gone. If even pointing out that our leadership doesn't know the basic facts is "negative," this organization is headed downhill fast.

      On the positive, I'm very excited to see the securities transactions of all federal elected officials over the last few months!

      On the other positive, I continue to be impressed with Trump supporters' willingness to do anything to avoid saying he's made a mistake or has acted wrongly. Jesus would be lucky to have such adherents - even Peter denied him 3 times. The fear of the mean tweet is the true "Profile in Courage" of the modern GOP.

    2. Is this the negative or the positive? From today's press conference:

      "Reporter: ‘What do you say to the American people who are scared right now?’

      Trump: What do I say? You’re a terrible reporter. You oughta be ashamed of yourself.’

    3. Matt,
      Your negativity is breathtaking. Some politician should embrace it and run on a "No hope, just change" message. There's nothing wrong with hope and encouragement.

      You watched that entire press briefing and you all you can do is complain that Trump used the word "immediately" in reference to Chloroquine? Really? Actually, Chloroquine is being used TODAY with Z-Pak on Covid-19 patients in the US. I'm good with calling that "immediate". It is in clinical trials here and the FDA is fast-tracking it for massive use in America. I can honestly say that if Obama had said the same thing under the same circumstances, I would not even commented on it and certainly would not have accused him of deceiving anyone.

      I'm concerned about your mental health. Your assignment for today is to list at least five positive things happening in our country today with regard to this health crisis. I can think of 20 off the top of my head. Trust me, you'll feel better when you're done.

    4. Kevin,

      Look around. People are looking at losing their jobs, not having money to pay their mortgages, rent, etc. The elderly aren't able to see their loved ones. Families who have to go to work but with young children have no idea what they're going to do the rest of the school year. We are preparing to go another trillion dollars in debt after the Trump Admin. increased debt astronomically during boom times! What's going on right now isn't a positive.

      That's not to say we need to assume the sky is falling, but if we can't even be honest about what's happening lest it reflect poorly on Trump and his re-election chances, then we're in a world of hurt. You can't solve a problem until you acknowledge it.

      If Obama said one dumb thing you might not say anything. If Obama held a press conference during a crisis every single day and got basic facts wrong, threw silly fits, and had his underlings get up there and praise him before they said anything else and you COULD NOT SAY THAT WAS WRONG, I would be shocked and disappointed. This happens every. single. day. in these press conferences. Fauci is literally having to correct false statements Trump makes moments later. At a minimum, hold Trump to the same standard Trump held Obama to.

      It truly frightens me that someone with your experience in large organizations does not see any of this as wrong. It frightens me that you can't even acknowledge the two wasted months here, the continued efforts at dividing the country by our leadership, the never ending stream of lies, and the stated failure to take any responsibility at all and say it's ok. That is truly the Trump Derangement Syndrome. The complete inability to acknowledge the man had made any mistakes. Which is odd given his life history.

      Now you're parroting Trump's chloroquine line. Which Fauci pushed back on TODAY.

      It saddens me when some of the best people in our country like yourself have so forfeited your common sense and ability to speak in a straightforward way about someone like Donald Trump. One can see how nations fall. I shudder to think what would happen if Donald Trump's followers were under the sway of someone competent.

    5. To illustrate what I mean by literally daily lies or a lack of basic grasp of the facts, here's one from yesterday:

      Designed solely to make Trump look better.

    6. To illustrate the lies FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH, here you go:

    7. Matt,
      If you represent America, we should just shoot ourselves in the head right now. You can blame this all on Trump if you want. You can let China off the hook. You can let Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer off the hook. You can let all of Congress off the hook. I didn't hear any of them warning us about the Coronavirus back in January or before. Remember, they were trying to impeach Trump up until February 8th. THAT'S where their focus was.

      What frighten's me is that people like you are actually rooting for the virus because you hate Trump so much. You and Bill Marr seem to be actually hoping for millions of deaths just so you can get rid of Trump. I didn't even vote for Trump in the Primaries. I voted for Carly Fiorina. And if Hillary were President right now, I wouldn't be condemning her every action no matter what. I would be hoping for her success. I would be praying for her to do the right thing. If you can't even do that, then you should stop following my blog because I'm going to hope for the best of the American people.

      Since you can't even come up with 5 good things that have happened, I'll do it for you.

      1. The China travel restrictions. 2. The Public/private partnership which is now producing medical masks, respirators and more. 3. The Pence, Fauci, Birx, Adams task force. 4. Chloroquine and Z-pak, which could save lives and shorten this pandemic. 5. Congress, for finally working together and getting out this aid package. It's a lot of money, but we'll see how it does. 6. The Cruise line industry for offering their ships up as floating hospitals. 7. Haines for switching their production to create masks. 8. GM and Tesla and others for switching their manufacturing to produce ventilators. 9. For Cuomo and Newsom finally working with Trump and Republicans to manage their crises. I hope that they are successful at saving their states physical health and economies (see how that works, Matt). 10. For the 15 day plan which I think is brilliant and needs even more publicity.

      Matt, stop your nit picking of every word that Trump says and criticizing everything he does. There will be plenty of time for that later. Remember, success has a thousand fathers and failure is an orphan. Start supporting the Presidency as I did with every President I didn't vote for. And if you can't stop rooting for the President to fail, just stop making comments. You can either root for the virus or America. I'm rooting for America.

    8. Matt,
      It is so appropriate that I received this article just now. Unless you are too afraid to read the facts, you should read the entire article, especially the timeline and what Joe Biden said about the January 31st China Travel ban.

      The truth will set you free and might even get you to start rooting for America.

    9. Wow. Just wow. I've never seen such a dedicated effort to excuse responsibility for the leader of our country. Congressional Democrats have some 400 bills that McConnell is sitting on in the Senate, but they're to blame for coronavirus?

      Trump repeatedly, on video, minimized the coronavirus, even saying Democrats caring about it was a hoax, and you're trying to blame Democrats? Here's the video:

      You can take that, and every other time Trump minimized or lied, even as late as yesterday, about coronavirus, and blame Democrats.

      I have to ask, has Donald Trump ever made a single mistake in your estimation? Do you even hold him to his own standards he criticized Obama for?

      As I've often said, Jesus would be lucky to have such adherents as Donald Trump.

      You would do well to read the words of past Presidents in times of crisis. You've forgotten how leaders act.

      Here's some quotes all Trump supporters should read:

      " "The President--whoever he is--has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job." - Harry S. Truman

      There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” ― Ronald Reagan

      Confidence... thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live. Franklin D. Roosevelt

      Donald Trump: "I don't take responsibility at all."

    10. Kevin, in response to your longer post, I would offer only the words of our past Presidents in contrast with the words of our current. Each of which undercuts your claims far more than I could. If you won't open your eyes to Trump's own words, then perhaps these men can help you:

      “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

      ― Theodore Roosevelt

      On leadership and responsibility:

      On whether the Democrats were saying anything sooner:

      On humility before God:

      America was founded by people who believe that God was their rock of safety. I recognize we must be cautious in claiming that God is on our side, but I think it's all right to keep asking if we're on His side. - Ronald Reagan

      On taking responsibility:

      "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln

      On being forthright:

      "I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
      - Abraham Lincoln

      "When I can, I tell the truth." - Donald J. Trump

      On leadership:

      “Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.”

      ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

      Donald Trump:

    11. Couldn't help it:

    12. I believe that the China use the to Quinine derived drugs was talking about th SARS CV-2 which is like saying it worked on apples so it could work on oranges. The french study was 6.1 research (as we called it in the USAF/AMRL at WPAFB. So glad I found this Blog of a fellow out of our old Indian Guide Tribe.

  4. On another note, remember what I said about pissing off Bloomberg? He just transferred $18 million to the DNC. Such a mistake on the President's part to needlessly attack him.

    1. Yah,
      He found that under the cushions in his couch. I'm more proud of the $60 million he gave to fight the Coronavirus.

  5. And a contrast in leadership: "I accept full responsibility. If someone wants to complain, or blame someone, blame me."—NY Gov Cuomo just now announcing the state-wide shutdown.

  6. I don't know if it's just my love of history which has allowed me to learn about true leadership, or we just respect different things in men and leaders. But clearly we want and expect different things from our leaders. In light of that, I will certainly acknowledge your request not to post if I don't have anything positive to say about the President's performance and conduct. Given the daily news conferences so far, I doubt that is forthcoming.

    My time is better spent volunteering whatever and wherever I can to defeat him in November and to minimize the results of his conduct anyway.

    All the best.

    1. Matt,
      Your belief in your moral superiority is part of your problem. You think you are the only reader of history. You are not. You believe your standards are higher. They are not. Honesty and Integrity are important to me, but that is in short supply all over Washington DC. Results are important to me. Keeping promises. And that is usually in short supply there too.

      I encourage you to be involved in the next election, but I would also encourage you not to think that anyone who disagrees with you is somehow morally or intellectually inferior to you. That is a part of our national problem right now.

      I hope you get someone better than Joe Biden to support. If you read the article I sent you, you will remember that Joe is the one who called Trump's ban on travel from China “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.” Obviously Joe wouldn't have done it. He can explain that later.

      Maybe Joe will have a health problem late in the game that will lead to an open convention where someone like Bloomberg or Cuomo can swoop in. They would both be better for your party and the country than Joe.

      I wish you the best of luck and hope that your opinion of your fellow Americans improves.

    2. I'm disappointed you would attribute things to me I neither said nor think. Unfortunately it has become all too common in civil debate. However even our debate is polite and respectful. Let's pray together for a return to basic decency, if nothing else, in our government.

    3. I will join you in that prayer.

  7. Matt,
    One last comment. Not from me but from Dr. Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education under Reagan. He's a pretty smart guy. He talks about "children of light and children of darkness" and what he is actually advocating is a "balanced" perspective. It's what I have always been proposing, but Dr. Bennett probably puts it more eloquently than I can. Read the attached article and let me know what you think.
