Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trump and more on immigration

Trump Plus on Immigration
The View from the Middle
Why has immigration become such a huge issue?  It is the sixth most important concern among the American People.  Even among Hispanic Americans it is only the fourth most important issue behind Education, the Economy and Health Care.  So why is it such a hot topic today?  First, there is Donald Trump.  Second, it has been a festering wound in this country for decades as Congresses and Presidents of both parties ignored it.
So thank you Mr. Trump for starting the conversation and allowing me to chip in with my thoughts.  As you can imagine, The View From the Middle agrees with some of Mr. Trump’s positions, but disagrees with others.  Let’s start with what I agree with.
Any serious attempt to address the immigration issue must start with border security.  Yes, I am for a fence, wall, whatever, a physical barrier to make it difficult for people to illegally enter this country.  I’m also in favor of having Mexico pay for it.  Mr. Trump is a little blurry on how he would do this, but for me, the answer is simple.  First, we eliminate or severely reduce the amount of aid we give them.  Second, if a tariff is needed, let’s do it.  If it starts a trade war with Mexico, I can tell who will lose that war.
Next, I agree that we need to take a hard look at the 14th amendment.  Actually, if we secure the border and properly manage the current illegals, this will become less important.  The 14th amendment, however, was not intended to allow people who are here illegally to have babies and have those babies become US citizens.  Whether the concept of “anchor babies” is challenged in court or the 14th amendment is revised by the federal and state legislatures is irrelevant to me, but the original intent needs to be reinforced.

So, where do I disagree with Mr. Trump?  I am more a less a “Dream Act” guy, and would probably be even more generous than the original provisions of that proposed legislation.  Let’s say, for example, that we had a young man or woman who spoke English, graduated from High School or served in our military and had no criminal record.  Would you want that person to be allowed to become a citizen of The United States?  I know I would.  We can’t continue to ignore these people, we can’t round 10 million of them up and ship them back to Mexico or Guatemala or wherever, and they are not going to self deport.  So, secure the border, fix the 14th amendment and selectively allow some existing illegals a path to citizenship!!

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