Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fox commits journalistic malfeasance

The Late Night Debate, Fox IS the News
The View from the Middle
The sign of a good moderator in a political debate is that they have the quality of being invisible.  The focus is on the candidates and the issues.  After the debate, if you can’t remember who the moderators were…they were great!  This was not the case for the great debate last night.  In their attempt to be cute and clever and manipulative, the moderators became the story, the sign of a really bad job.
I’m not a huge fan of Donald Trump (I’m not a Trump hater either), but I thought the opening question of the night was so inappropriate that it bordered on journalistic malfeasance.  It wasn’t a question, really.  It was an ambush designed to put Mr. Trump on the spot and to rattle him before the debate even started, and I think it did just that. 
I understand that this was a legitimate question for The Donald, but it was “how” they asked it that was so deplorable.  They could have probed him on that issue later in the debate as a question just to him.  But, to force him to stand up in the front of the class, so to speak, and pull his political pants down was an intentional effort to unsettle him.  This is a Presidential debate.  All the candidates had to be nervous.  Why did Mr. Trump deserve an extra dose of anxiety?  The answer is, he didn’t.
Megyn Kelly followed that question by accusing Donald of calling women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals”.  I hope she’s right or she might find her butt in a lawsuit.  She could have cleaned it up a little.  She could have said, “You’ve called women some very nasty names”.  If he asked for examples, she could have provided them.
The moderators also tried to manufacture arguments.  They pit Rubio against Bush on common core, Christie vs. Paul on the NSA and Kasich vs. Trump on immigration.  They were trying to ignite a controversy, and that is not their job.  When the debate is over, we should remember the candidates and the moderators should fade from memory.  But just as Candy Crowley will forever be remembered for her overactive role in 2012, I will always remember that Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace were the stars last night.

The bottom line is that all candidates should receive equal scrutiny.  Hillary Clinton will certainly not get the assault that these candidates received last night as she ascends to her throne and through her obligatory appearances in the Democrat debate process.  The CNN moderator may dare to ask her what her favorite color is.


  1. I was too taken aback by the opening question but he has made these type of statements. Instead of him attacking her..which I mind you is a normal response from most, I think a presidential candidate would have responded differently to the baitor. Maybe borrowing a line from President Reagan..."Ahh there you go again Megyn! You know I have a beautiful wife and incredible daughters and I sponsor Ms America because I know the value women have in our country and society - and in particular in my life. In fact women made this whole republican debate tonight possible- and I am glad to be here on top of the polls because of the support I have from women. I have said things I am not always proud of as we all do but I will stand for women and all who love our country! Making our country great again!"
    It is the same posture I wish Romney would have taken w Crowley.

    In the final analysis- the media will not got lightly on the GOP and we can only hope Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would debate on Fox as I imagine it would not be cookies and milk as it will on the other networks that tingle for them.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Joseph. I too think the first question was ridiculous, but it was Bret Baier that asked it, not Kelly. Trump made is "mini" attack on Kelly after her "pigs, dogs, slobs" question. I do agree with you that he should have left the attack off, but maybe he was still smoking from the first question. Your answer would probably gone over great. Also, I hope the Dems get equal treatment, but I truly doubt they will.

      Thanks again for you thoughtful comment.
