Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Lies of Omission

Lies of Omission
The View from the Middle

This morning I was listening to Fox News when they announced the June jobs report, which was full of great news that should inspire and encourage everyone in America. Very shortly after the report was released the President had a press conference where he laid out the results and gave some perspective. While the Street had projected job gains of three million, the country produced almost five million new jobs, and while “the experts” predicted that the unemployment rate would fall to 12.4%, it actually fell to 11.1%

As I was watching the President explain this good news to the country on Fox News, I thought that I would go over and see what CNN was reporting. It seems that they chose not to even cover the President’s press conference and were instead doing a story on Trump’s poll numbers.

This reminded me of when the May job numbers came out. You may not even know this if you only watch the lame-stream media, but the May numbers were even more spectacular. The experts had predicted that we would lose nine million jobs and instead our economy delivered 2.5 million new jobs. “The experts also predicted that the unemployment rate would rise to 19.0%, but it in fact fell to 13.3%. That was a HUGE miss by the so-called experts!!

Those were astonishing numbers, especially considering the predictions, but when I clicked onto CNN they covered these results for five seconds (literally) and then spun off into some negative story about Trump. They didn’t even talk about the massive difference between these results and the projections. They just gave the numbers and moved on to trash the President.

This kind of under-reporting or lack of coverage is just another kind of deception that the media uses to mislead this country. It is sad that there are so many people in the media and in Washington who are actually disappointed with these wonderful results. They would prefer our country to be suffering economically and even physically so as to advance their political agendas. Disgusting!!

They also lie about the Supreme Court. Recently, there have been six rulings from the Court, three in favor of Trump and three cases where they ruled against his position. The depraved media aggressively covered the three cases that the White House lost, but guess how much time they devoted to the three cases where they ruled in his favor. You’re right – ZERO. They can say they didn’t lie, but they can’t say they told the truth, the whole truth, so help them God, and trust me they need God’s help right now to save their industry.

Then, on July the 3rd, Trump addressed the nation from Mount Rushmore. He actually delivered a wonderful history lesson about Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt so that people could understand why we honor these men. Mount Rushmore does not claim that these men (or any man or woman) is perfect, but they did do some amazing things to create, nurture, improve and protect the union. It was a 15-minute performance that every American should have experienced, but when I switched over to CNN, they amazingly had decided not to even cover it. In my opinion, that is not only pathetic, but it violates the very purpose of their role in our society.

For those of you who only watch ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and CNN, you need to know that you are being lied to on a regular basis as these channels continue to omit stories that don’t fit their agenda. You need to get out of the “echo chamber” of deception through omission. We all need and deserve the whole truth and nothing but the truth so that we can decide for ourselves who and what is working for our country. If you’re not afraid to get the whole story, bounce over to Fox News on occasion. Listen to Rush Limbaugh or Chris Plante on the radio. They are not only very knowledgeable, but Chris Plante is also hilarious. But if you actually don’t want the whole story and don’t mind being misled by the bias, partisan media then stick with the lame-stream. You’ll experience the bliss of ignorance, until they decide to ignore YOUR story, but by then it will be too late.


  1. Great Message, Kevin! It is the Truth! Be Blessed!

  2. spot on as usual. i no longer watch local or national news on television and have not in several years now
