Monday, July 13, 2020

Black Lives Matter, The Organization vs the Idea

Black Lives Matter, The Organization vs the Idea
The View from the Middle

Have you ever noticed that organizations and legislators use names to make their groups or legislation sound better? The people who fight to make abortions easier to access, for example, don’t call themselves “Pro-Abortion”. They call themselves “Pro-Choice”. They do that because they know that people understand that abortion is a bloody, destructive and dangerous act and they don’t want people associating their cause with that ugly picture. Would you support them if they were called the “We Rip Babies from Mothers’ Wombs” movement?

The same goes for the “Black Lives Matter” organization. Do Black lives matter? Of course, they do! Who is suggesting otherwise? It is a safe name because virtually everyone in this country agrees with the sentiment expressed in that name. They might as well have called it the “We Love Puppies” organization. Everyone in America supports puppies, but is that what this organization is all about? Is this organization really about saving Black lives?

Many Black leaders have questioned why BLM has not expressed more outrage over the deaths of Black police officers, like David Dorn, or young black children, like Secoriea Turner who were actually shot by Black Lives Matter protestors. Or how about the slaughter of young Black men in Chicago, Baltimore and New York that occurs every week. If Black lives matter, don’t they also matter. The reality is that Black lives are a side issue at best to these violent, terroristic mobs that are mostly made up of pampered, indoctrinated white millennials these days.

There’s an old saying that suggests that when people tell you who they are or what their intent is, you should believe them. So, when the mullahs in Iran shout, “death to America”. I believe that is what they want. When Russia says, “We will bury you”, I believe them and when China says they want to replace America as the one and only superpower in the world, I believe them too. So, when Patrisse Collurs, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, says that she is a trained Marxist, we should believe her also. So, who is Karl Marx and why does Patrisse worship him?

Karl Marx was a German philosopher born more than 200 years ago and is the father of socialism and arguably, Communism. After all, one of his most famous writings was The Communist Manifesto. His utopian ideas of an incorruptible, benevolent, thoroughly efficient government that runs everything may be great fodder for dorm room “dream-speak”, but you can ask the people of Cuba, Venezuela, China and Russia how all of that is working out. What it has proven in the real world is that government is corrupt, inept and deceitful above all things, and the big losers in his experiment are common people.

Black Lives Matter is a great slogan and a true statement, but it’s a poor name for this group. Marxism is what Patrisse and the BLM organization actually believe in. They believe in the destruction of capitalism, which has liberated more people from oppression than any other system in the world, and the elimination of the nuclear family, which is the foundation of every civil society. Many Black leaders and athletes have denounced the organization for those very positions, including journalist Jason Whitlock and retired all-pro defensive end Marcellus Wiley. BLM has openly said that they will burn down this country if they don’t get what they want, which doesn’t sound democratic, or tolerant or even sane to me. So, let’s take a look at what exactly this violent, radical group wants to burn down!

America is arguably the greatest country in the world today and possibly the greatest country this world has ever seen. America’s $20+ trillion economy is the largest in the world. Our economy, in fact, represents 24% of the world’s economy while accounting for only 4% of its population. We have the world’s most powerful military and we have the planet’s most generous people. The people in the US give over $400 billion to charity each year and our government adds another $35 billion in aid to other countries.

The United States regularly ranks in the top 10 countries in the world in terms of standard of living and has also ranked high in terms of the freedom our country offers our citizens. I think, however, that immigration is the most important measure of how great our country is. America allows over a million legal immigrants into our country every year and millions more risk their lives to come here illegally. There are over 50 million immigrants living in our country today which ranks us #1 in that category and that is four times the #2 country’s total. That 50 million represents over 15% of our population, another top number. And do you know what countries don’t even make it into the top 50 in terms of people wanting to immigrate there? China, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela, and why? Because their socialist/communistic systems have led to poverty, violence, misery, massive inequity and, in China’s case, even slavery.

Yet THIS, the greatest country in the world, is what BLM wants to burn down. Is America perfect? No, but neither is any other country on the planet. We do, however, offer one more thing that everyone loves about America. We have a constitution that not only puts human rights above governmental rights but is also self-correcting. It has taken us from zero Black men or women in government in 1789 (Washington’s first year in office) to our first Black President in 2009 and 58 members of Congress today. Will we get even better? Yes, unless we let the Marxist mobs in our midst burn this great country down.

So, don’t let this Marxist group trick you into supporting them. They will say that if you don’t support the Black Lives Matter organization, then you are against the “idea” that Black lives matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I would suggest that if you really believe that Black lives matter, you must denounce the organization that has hijacked such a righteous banner.


  1. Sadly, there is brilliant intimidation going on with the name Black Lives Matter...I've said the same thing about forming a group hell-bent on violence the "I Love Puppies" Movement; who could disagree with this name?
    I just read about the many Catholic Churches that were torched over the weekend by this despicable group (or followers of said group) and it sickens and saddens me!

    1. "brilliant intimidation" - I should have worked that into my post. It perfectly describes how I feel every time I discuss that group!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good thoughts...good words. All we need is a good result Nov. 3. Keep praying...teaching...and leading. His Will Be done! Be B!essed!

    1. Amen, brother. I always feel better when I get the BI endorsement. You the man!!

  4. Please submit this to DemGaz as guest column, Kevin! Excellent analysis!

    1. Thanks, Bootsie. You know I used to write for them and they dropped me. I used to work with Greg Harton. Do you know if he is still there in the editorial department or is there someone else I should be talking to?

  5. Thanks, Bootsie. You know I used to write for them and they dropped me. I used to work with Greg Harton. Do you know if he is still there in the editorial department or is there someone else I should be talking to?
