Monday, June 15, 2020

Thoughtless in Seattle

Thoughtless in Seattle
The View from the Middle

There are a lot of things going on in Seattle - violence, chaos, lawlessness - but one thing that is clearly not happening there is any real thinking. If you were to do a city-wide brain scan (actually, make that state-wide), you would find no activity. From the mayor of Seattle to the governor of Washington to the occupying force in CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), you can only find incompetence, dereliction of duty and mindless emotion.

The occupying force has demonstrated their forward thinking today by already changing their name to CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest). Organized? Right! I guess that’s because they have decided NOT to secede from the union. They want to stay, but just outlaw any speech or even thoughts that disagrees with theirs. Yah! That’s what made America the greatest nation on earth. This won’t be their last name change, however. I have heard that they are considering calling this area the Seattle Hills Insurrection Territory. I’m not gonna tell ‘em!

This classy group whose idea of art consists of graffitied walls, the aroma of a finely distilled Molotov cocktail and the smoking carcass of a burned-out police car demands that a fund be created to support arts and culture. Of course, it will be difficult to view the exhibits through all the boarded-up windows and broken class, but it’s the thought that counts, right!? Finally, the mob in control of this autonomous zone insists that the people of Seattle support all the black-owned businesses. That will take a while, however, since they just burned them all down during the riots. Again, it’s the thought that counts!

Yes, these thoughtless, boneheaded domestic terrorists are also the kings of hypocrisy. They detest the police, but engage in a “stop and frisk” policy made famous by mayor Giuliani and the NYPD. I’m sure they oppose any voter ID laws, but make people who want to enter their lovely oasis show proof of residency. And while social distancing is an absolute necessity for all of us, they have trained the virus to tell the difference between us and them and, of course, not infect them. How DO they do it?!

Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, has proven himself to be absolutely witless. During a press conference on June 11th, three days after the CHAZ occupation in Seattle, he admitted that he was unaware of the seizure of six square blocks in his largest city by a group of violent anarchists. Now that’s what I call being “on the ball”. With this shocking lack of knowledge about his own state he abdicates any right to criticize anyone for anything. Maybe he should consider asking for help from people who are aware and have the power and resources to do so, like the President of the United States. At least Trump knew what was going on in Seattle.

And the mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, might be the most mindless and senseless boob of the entire group. She likened this armed, violent, destructive, barricaded insurrection to a “block party” or an art festival. How clueless is she? As the rabble took over a chunk of her city and called for her resignation, she supplied porta-potties and fresh food to the insurgents. She even encouraged them to stay for months when she said, “maybe we’ll have a summer of love.” I’ll bet the small business owners in the occupied territory loved that kind of talk. Maybe she and the child-mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, can start a support group for maligned politicians. He too was booed, heckled and even targeted with projectiles by the same ideological fringe faction in his home town earlier this week. When will you learn? These people don’t care about you. They don’t care about freedom or America. They don’t even care about George Floyd. They are paid anarchists, most of whom don’t even know what the real goal is, and don’t care.

Should we send in the military? These anarchists are not worth the bloodshed that would inevitably result. That’s probably what their employers want anyway, but you also can’t enable them by having pizzas delivered or pumping in rap and rock music to sooth these savage beasts. Take away the porta-potties, stop delivering supplies and scramble the cell towers in that area. This will allow these “Lord of the Flies” wannabe’s to wallow in their own filth. It will demonstrate that all these people know how to deliver is chaos. Within a week they will slither away as did their predecessor of the lunatic fringe, Occupy Wall Street, almost 10 years ago. Then, mayor Durkan, maybe your constituents will reward you and mayor Frey with the swift kick in the butt that you both deserve as they vote you out of office in 2021. Although they may not be able to wait that long and just recall you from office this year. Good riddance in my opinion!


  1. SO true! I also heard that they built a fence around their territory (Build the Wall!?!) and "deported" one of the residents for being Pro-Life...I have only been paying scant attention to this, so I haven't done a fact check on either of these, but I also heard that the reason they decided against secession was that they needed the Fire Dept over the weekend....the hypocrisy and stupidity is out of bounds!

    1. I have heard all of that also, RRR, so I think you are "dead on"!! Don't know whether to laugh or cry!

  2. Hi,Kevin! David Klein here. Yes,I am one of those Kleins. Mishawaka is still a great little city!I am happy to hear that you have had such an exceptional life and career! How long has it been since you have been home? Great article! I too am in the middle. I look forward to your new book. Maybe I could get a signed copy? Take care,Kevin!

  3. Thanks, David. Brenda and I get back to Mishawaka a couple of times a year. If I ever write that 2nd book, I will guarantee you a signed copy!!

  4. Kevin it seems like we are in the twilight zone. Both of my grandfathers were awarded the Purple Heart for action taken in WW2. They would not recognize the country we've turned into.
