Friday, June 5, 2020

Terrorism's Dirty Little Secret

Terrorism’s Dirty Little Secret
The View from the Middle
Almost six years ago, I wrote an article Called “Terrorism’s Dirty Little Secret”. It suggested that what these groups have discovered is that it is easier to divide, destroy and kill than it is to unite, build or create. As I watched the looting, burning and brick throwing of the rioters around the country over the last few days, it dawned on me that these people have discovered this same truth.

The Twin Towers took about seven years from start of construction to ribbon cutting to build, but it took only about an hour and a half to bring them both down. Think of any controlled implosion of a building that you have seen. The buildings have usually taken years to build and have required the efforts of thousands of people, but can be taken down by a few people in a matter of seconds.

If any of you have studied the creation of life, it is amazing to say the least. It takes nine months after conception to create the trillions (yes trillions) of cells that comprise the human body. Yet, it takes only a fraction of a second to put a bullet through someone’s head and end that life. And, if you want to be more brutal and inhuman, it might take a person a few seconds to chop that head off or a few minutes to abort a life altogether.

ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and al-Qaeda are all the same (a rose by any other name…). They take the easy way out. They don’t know how to build or unite so they divide, destroy and subjugate. Look at where they dominate. Would you like to live in Syria, Iraq or Palestine right now? Even the official Islamic states like Iran and Pakistan are hardly vacation spots.

Antifa is no different, and I believe they should and will be declared a domestic terrorist group. Antifa doesn’t give a damn about George Floyd. They have hijacked peaceful protests that had specific goals and a real possibility for positive change and turned them into chaotic, lawless and violent mobs. Antifa’s actions suggest their real goals. They have no plans to deliver peace or prosperity to this or any country. They seek only power and promise disorder and chaos, but that’s fine with them as long as they are in control.

Who on earth condones the actions of any of these groups? Whether it is ISIS, Hamas or Antifa we should all be condemning their mindless, destructive actions designed to bring nothing but chaos to the world and possibly power to them. Who would want any of these people, who hide behind masks and perform their violent acts under the cover of darkness, to gain any real power? Even if they were able to gain power, they wouldn’t know what to do with it.

What we need is real leadership in Washington, and we’re not getting it. What we have today is a perpetual blame game that serves no one except the politicians that play that game. The Coronavirus is now Trump’s fault. The riots in Minneapolis and around the country are Trump’s fault. Trump is not a perfect person but blaming him for everything is just scapegoating and irresponsible. Today’s unemployment and jobs numbers should be reported broadly and positively, but they will not. I just watched CNN and they reported the raw numbers for about three seconds and turned it into a 10-minute hit piece on the President.

We need a national media that can cover this President honestly. The mainstream media has abandoned their role as arbiters of truth and have decided that they need to condemn this President at every opportunity. They constantly misstate facts (lie if you will) or accentuate the trivial while ignoring the significant. When St. John’s Church, the Church of the Presidents, was burned down on Monday night, the networks gave it a whopping one minute of coverage. When President Trump gave a speech in front of that same church the next night, they blasted him with negative coverage for over 30 minutes. This does a disservice to the country and further divides us all. They must accept their original role as the fourth estate and the dispensers of balanced coverage and truth.

America is not perfect, but turning control over to people with baseball bats and Molotov cocktails is not the answer. To be honest, what we really need is prayer. We need everyone in America to pray for honest politicians with hearts for “we the people” and the wisdom to work together to deliver a better America.

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