Thursday, December 28, 2017

Obama & Prince Harry Perform Trans-Atlantic Hypocrisy
The View from the Middle

Sometimes I wonder if the media is paying attention to what politicians around the world are actually saying. Are they just stupid, incompetent or totally bias? I think these are the only choices, especially when you listen to the pile of rubbish that was recently spewed by President Obama and Prince Harry in their interview back in September. I’ll let you be the judge.
Here’s a quote from the President as he discusses the concerns he has about the use of social media. He said:

“One of the dangers of the Internet is that people…can be “cocooned” in information that reinforces their current biases.”

What is amazing is that he has shown no concern about the “safe spaces” on our college campuses today that allow the very same thing to happen. Is this selective outrage? Is this intentional blindness or is it equivocation, which is the deliberate deception of people through the use of ambiguous language or the withholding of crucial information? He SHOULD be outraged at both.
He then went on to say that we should:

“Harness this technology in a way that allows a multiplicity of voices (and) allows a diversity of views”

Is anyone actually “hearing” what he is saying instead of just listening to the sound waves that he is creating with his vocal chords? How can he make a statement like this without also condemning the “one view fits all” approach that is infecting our college campuses today? When brilliant, accomplished conservative speakers like Condoleezza Rice (Secretary of State under George W. Bush), Ray Kelly (former NY Police Commissioner) and Ann Coulter are either disinvited or shouted off stage (the heckler’s veto) their free speech is prevented and their viewpoints are lost to the students. THIS is what the President should be enraged about.

Finally he said that it is “hard to be as obnoxious and cruel in person as people can be anonymously on the Internet.” I guess he forgot how obnoxious, cruel and even violent the Antifa clansmen and women have been around the country as they wore their black masks and hoods to hide their identities.

My problem is not what the President condemned. It is that he did it selectively. He should be condemning “cocooning” everywhere. He should be espousing free and diverse speech everywhere, and he should be condemning crude, cruel and violent behavior everywhere, even when it occurs in his own back yard. Alas, he does not! And the lame stream media is complicit in this hypocrisy.

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