Thursday, December 14, 2017

No Moore, no more

No Moore in Alabama, Thanks to Deplorables
The View from the Middle

Let’s face facts. Alabama hasn’t supported a Democratic presidential candidate since 1980, and only one since 1964, and that was their neighbor and peanut farmer Jimmy Carter. You couldn’t get a Democrat elected dog catcher in Alabama without crossover vote from those despicable, deplorable, irredeemable Republicans. In fact, Alabama is clearly one of Hillary’s most despicable, deplorable and irredeemable states in the union since she was thrashed there by Trump by 28 points (63% to 35%). Arkansans are nearly as despicable since Trump won here by 27 points and our neighbors in Oklahoma must qualify for the deplorable hall of fame since Trump won there by a 36-point margin. According to Hillary Clinton and anyone who believes her, I’m surrounded by pretty awful people. Is it OK if I disagree with that?
So, my question is, since it was the deplorables who got Doug Jones elected to the Senate in Alabama on Tuesday, are they no longer deplorable? Are they allowed to be considered full, patriotic, decent American citizens again, or is this just a temporary pass to rub elbows with the truly noble Americans like Al Franken, Harry Reid and Anthony Weiner. Wow, what a privilege!
Also, before the lame stream media tries to convince you that this election signifies some sort of seismic shift in the hearts and minds of the voting public, let’s visit the world of reality for just a minute. Doug Jones is a big government, abortion on demand, tax and spend liberal in a small government, pro-life, low tax state. If this election had been about policy proposals and had even run a mystery, un-named Republican candidate, that Republican candidate would have won. Luther Strange would have won. Mo Brooks would have won, but they were defeated in the primaries before the accusations against Roy Moore were made public.
In fact, it will be interesting to see how Doug Jones performs in Washington DC. He will need to run again in 2020 and if he pushes an agenda that totally aligns with the Democrat party, he will alienate his constituency and will likely be replaced in 2020. If he tries to be a moderate force in his party he will be shunned by Democratic leadership and accomplish nothing. Larry Sabato, political analyst from the University of Virginia, suggests that when Doug Jones moves to Washington, he should “rent, not buy”.
And, here’s a warning to Republicans. While I believe that the policies they are pursuing will deliver positive results, that doesn’t necessarily translate to victories in November. Even if the economy grows, which I think it will, and congress passes a DACA bill that secures the border and resolves the “dreamer” issue, Republicans still have to field good candidates. Roy Moore was not a good candidate and that’s why he lost. He could even write a book entitled “What Happened”, but the bottom line is that he lost because of him.
Donald Trump too is at risk. He could deliver a growing economy, a path to a balanced budget and real immigration reform including a DACA fix, and still lose. He could deliver on all his promises and replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg with… well, with about anyone, and he could still lose. If the people of The United States get tired of his 3rd grade playground antics and if he continues to reduce the prestige of the Presidency, he could deliver all the results he promised and still lose. Mr. President, please take the high road, if you can even find it at this point.


  1. Well said. I am sad that it takes a terrible person like Roy Moore to motivate people to use their vote to cause change. But then again, if we voted out all of the terrible people from our government, I think the halls in DC would be empty.

    1. Paige,
      We might be better off with empty halls rather than buildings filled with hypocrites. I would live with a "term limits" amendment to the constitution.

  2. As usual Kevin, you hit this one right on the head. I could not agree with you more on everything said especially your well stated comment regarding Mr. Trump reducing the prestige of the Presidency through his on-going 3rd grade playground antics. I really believe the man is equipped to be a GREAT President if he could only stop and think for a moment before he blurts out one of his many daily tweets! People are conditioned and therefore expecting to hear their leader and President speak in a most respectful manner ala Kennedy, Bush 1, Clinton, Obama. Anything less will only cause the mass media and much of the U.S. population to turn on our leader/President. Just ask George W. Bush. President Donald Trump is receiving almost the identical irreverent treatment that President George W. Bush received during his 8 years in office. How unfortunate.

    1. Bill,
      I always feel validated when I get the Rouse seal of approval.
