Thursday, March 9, 2017

Trump is Learning Fast

Trump’s Learning Curve
The View from the Middle

I have to admit that I feel sorry for the average Democrat out there. Eight years ago they were wallowing in self-confidence and influence in Washington. They had a massive majority in the House, a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and a wildly liberal President in the White House. Then they got cocky and decided to ignore the other party. They told Republicans that elections had consequences and that they needed to get in the back seat of their legislative Prius, while Democrats passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote in either House. Then, they found that cocky, self-righteous condescension had consequences too.
Today they have lost the Senate and things look even more desperate in 2018. They’ve also lost the House of Representatives and the White House. Now they are left with Hillary’s strategy of “Resist and Persist”. Why do they say, “resist”? Because it sounds better than “lie, cheat, obstruct, hold our breath and throw tantrums”. And then, along came the Russians.
Let’s be honest. If the Russians were behind the hacking of techno wiz John Podesta’s computer (his password was “password”, Really?), they weren’t doing it to get Donald Trump elected President. NO ONE thought Trump was going to win. Not the media, not Hillary, not even Trump and certainly not the Russians. The Russians, if they were behind the leaks, were trying to weaken the person they thought was going to be the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.
But then Trump won and Democrats had to come up with some way to destroy his Presidency, even if Americans had to suffer while they did it. So, they decided to use the Russian connection to do it. There was and still is no evidence that there is any connection between the Trump campaign and the Russians, but that wouldn’t stop the Democrats and their lame stream media underlings. Accusations are enough for them, and then they could demand Congressional hearings or a special counsel, which would keep the story in the news for years and go nowhere. Great Plan, right?
The Dem’s only mistake is that they must have said, “Simon says”, because Trump copied their move last Saturday with his own, “Obama’s wire tapping me” story. He figured out their game! He didn’t have any proof, but the Dems had taught him that he didn’t need any. A bold accusation is enough. And then to put the icing on his accusation cake, Trump suggested that Congress should look into it. That would put this story on a slow boat to nowhere. And the Democrats will have a hard time accusing Trump of having no proof because virtually every Russian connection story has included the disclaimer that THEY have no actual evidence of any wrongdoing. Trump is learning fast.
I don’t believe that either story is true, but I must admit that there is a higher probability that someone in the Obama administration surveilled someone on the Trump team than there is of anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. Americans as a whole are sick of this accusation BS and would just like these jackasses in Washington to work together for their benefit. Fat chance of that happening, unless Trump moves “term limits” up in his political agenda. I would love to hear the rationalizations from Congress as to why anyone needs to be in Congress for 30, 40 or even 50 years. That kind of tenure leads only to corruption of the kind we are witnessing right now. A pox on both of their houses!! And vote for anyone in favor of term limits.

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