Saturday, December 17, 2016

Of Electors and Putin, Two Quick Thoughts

Of Electors and Putin – Two Quick Thoughts
The View from the Middle

On the Electors:

At a time when the Democrat Party should be going through some self-analysis to figure out how it can compete for voters in the future, they have become the spoiled kid at the mall, kicking and screaming in a tantrum at the election results.

The latest effort by Hollywood elitists to convince Republican electors not to vote for their party’s candidate is particularly misguided and desperate. First, the message is coming from snooty Hollywood “B” actors who know nothing about the concerns of average Americans. These are the elitists who 60+ million Americans said they were sick of listening to when they voted for Trump in the first place.

Second, what do these Hollywood snobs know about the original intent of our Founding Fathers? Nothing! They are just spinning a twisted, self-serving tale that caresses their narcissistic fantasies. They don’t even like the constitution. They just want all of us worker bees to shut up, get in line and do as they tell us. Good luck with that.

Do we really want 538 individuals, who where not actually elected but appointed by each state’s respective parties, to subvert the wishes of 120+ million voters across the country. Why should we even have a popular vote? Sounds like a fast track to despotism or an aristocracy at best.

On Putin, President of Russia:

Are any of you shocked that Russia is trying to hack into our government databases? Obama has known for eight years and done nothing about it. He even advised Trump as late as October to “stop whining” and go out and compete for votes. Of course, that was when Trump was a 100 to one long shot in Vegas. Now that Hillary lost and Obama only has four weeks left in office, he is talking tough and laying down threats that Trump will have to make good on.

Hillary has been blaming Putin for the leaks from the very beginning and suggesting that he was doing it to help Trump. She obviously thought that connecting Trump to Putin would work in her favor. I think she was right. The content of the emails was balanced by linking Putin to Trump, so the whole Wikileaks dump was a wash. Hillary lost because her main message was that she should win because she was a woman. She also ignored working white Americans and whole states like Wisconsin.

I heard a left-wing commentator admit that Russia has been hacking us for a long time, but suggesting that they usually do this just to get to know us better. Ha! This time, the commentator suggested that the Russians had evil intentions. News flash for all Americans, Russia always has evil intentions when they breach our systems. They could have released these emails, as they did, so that every American could see what Hillary and her campaign team really thought. They could have, however, saved these emails to bribe a sitting American President, assuming Hillary won. What they did was actually the lesser of two evils.

This reinforces the importance of properly protecting our government’s data. Personal servers in your basement are a real No-No, Hillary.