Monday, December 5, 2016

No Electoral Votes in the State of Denial

Harvard Forum Conclusion – Left is in Denial
The View from the Middle

If you have had a chance to see or listen to any of the clips from this year’s post-presidential election forum held at The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, you would have to come to the conclusion that the Democrat Party is in a severe state of denial.  They have concluded that it couldn’t have been their message that lost Hillary the election.  It couldn’t have been their policies.  It couldn’t have been their strategies or ground game.  Above all, it couldn’t have been their highly accomplished “most qualified person EVER to run for President” candidate, Hillary Clinton.  This leaves them with only one scapegoat.  It must have been those deplorable, irredeemable voters, right?
The Democrat Party spent over a year calling the 60+ million people who voted for Donald Trump misogynists, xenophobes, racists, homophobes, Islamophobes and bigots.  At the Harvard Forum, Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton campaign communications director couldn’t resist heaping one more insult onto half of the American voting public.  Now, according to Jennifer, they’re all “white supremacists”. 
Well, here are a couple of messages for Jennifer Palmieri.  First, the typical Trump voter is not reflected by any of the insults you continue to hurl at them.  Do you really think that Ben Carson is a white supremacist or would have anything to do with one?  How about Larry Elder?  Herschel Walker?  Dennis Rodman?  I could go on, but do you also think that the 13% of black men who voted for Trump are white supremacists?  Jennifer, you are talking about MILLIONS of black people who voted for Trump.  Would you call them any of the names mentioned above to their faces?
Second, as long as liberals continue to stay in the state of denial, which by the way has no electoral votes, they will continue to lose elections.  The people of America are tired of being called names and REALLY tired of being ignored.  The typical American is actually a pretty good person, and I’m talking about Republicans and Democrats alike. They are hard working, decent people who are just tired of our government lying to them, spending their money like drunken sailors and trapping their children in a future riddled with debt.

Are there racists in America?  Sure, but it is my experience that they represent a small extreme fringe of the citizens and no particular party has a monopoly on them.  Jennifer, the sooner you see the American people for who they really are and stop your incessant insulting, the sooner you can begin to heal the divide between the Democrat party and the US citizenry.  Maybe then you can have a real shot at making America great again.


  1. Replies
    1. Bob, I always feel better when I get a positive comment from a brilliant guy like you!!!

  2. The challenge in diagnosing the problem stems from having a standard that is transcendent and true. As I consider the situation in our nation and in particular the hallowed government halls, I offer something for consideration which proceeds from a conversation with one who works and associates with these people. He shared with me how a president chooses his A-team but after a few years he may be down to his C, D or F team (so to speak) due to turn over. So those who are a "presidential A-team" know they only have 4 years in the role max with an option if the president gets re-elected. Therefore, it is common to see people looking for an exit after their first two years in a position. Surrounding the president, beyond the vice-president and behind the faces we recognize exist thousands of positions which are can or often are used as a stepping stone to other things. Thus the political process ends up being exploited for personal benefit by the ego. This brings us to the question: Is there an honest person truly able to make a suggestion, recommendation or influence within governmental who does not have a biased ego as a motivating force? Constant attempts to solve the problem while living neck deep in it. It appears the conclusion time and again which brings out problems in life flows out of the wellspring of the heart. This is why our Founders understood the need for an external, transcendent, eternal, unchanging, absolute and true moral foundation from which our nation had to operate: God’s Word revealed in the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. May our nation and people return to truth and leave the relativism which is producing bitter fruit.

  3. I identified TWO Oxymorons as a result of your latest post:
    Dems voting Pelosi as minority "speaker"/Dems going in right direction
    A former Offensive lineman being positive about anything as well as "Brilliant"!!

    Seriously, enjoyed your latest post. Hello to our ole teammate, Bob!


    1. Dems going in right direction. Nice one, Billy. You the man.
