Monday, January 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton's War on Women

Hillary’s War on Women
The View from the Middle

Maybe the greatest offense that Hillary Clinton perpetrates on women is the sin of trying to convince them that there is a war on women.  That phrase “war on women” is a clever tactic to get votes and thus get elected, but it turns an entire gender of strong, intelligent, industrious people into victims.  Next, she breaks all the rules she expects others to follow and finally she falsely accuses others of crimes they did not commit, for personal benefit.
I have five sisters, two daughters and a wife.  Even my dog, Sophie, is a girl.  I love my sisters.  I love my daughters and I love my wife (Sophie too).  I want the very best for the women in my life, and to be honest, I want the best for all women in America because I think that is best for our country.  Yet, I have different positions on some key issues that affect women.  I don’t disagree with feminists on “What” the goal is.  The goal is to create equal opportunities for women in every aspect of their lives.  I differ on “How” to accomplish those goals.
Let’s start with an easy one; equal pay for equal work.  Hillary continually uses the popular but flawed study that suggests that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes.  The basic flaw in this number is that it does not compare salaries for like jobs.  This compares a woman who has decided to teach in elementary school vs. a man who decides to be an elevator installer (a high paying blue collar job) or a doctor.  When you compare like jobs, the ratio is about 95 cents on the dollar.
And you ask, why isn’t it 100%.  A big factor driving this 5% difference is that women make different choices than men.  They tend to take more time off than men, and tend to turn down promotions, more often, for personal reasons.  I’m not even saying that these are bad choices.  This may contribute to the fact that women on average live seven years longer than men.
So, how is Hillary doing in this area?  Even using the bogus 77% ratio, Hillary is failing.  When she was a Senator, she paid her women staff 72 cents for every dollar her male staffers made.  How hypocritical can a person be?  No wonder she’s also featured in the book “Do as I Say, Not as I Do”.  I do not know of a person, particularly a politician, who supports unequal pay for equal work.  Check for yourself, but this should not even be an issue in politics today.
How about birth control?  Hillary keeps saying that Republicans want to take away a woman’s right to use birth control.  I would like her to name one politician from either party who holds that view.  Now, let’s not confuse birth control with abortifacients.  I hope we can all understand the difference.  But, even I don’t want to deny a woman’s right to her pill.  I just don’t want to pay for it when my help is not needed.  Why should I, for example, pay for Chelsea Clinton’s birth control pills, or even my daughters’ birth control?  They don’t need the help.  If a woman truly needs help to buy birth control then I will support helping them buy it, but Chelsea Clinton or (you name the rich person) doesn’t need anyone’s help. 
Mrs. Clinton also confuses being pro-life with being anti-woman.  She hangs her hat on another clever cliché, “A woman’s right to choose”.  As she babbles her platitude, she forgets two things.  First, over half of abortions are performed on female babies.  How can she argue this as a positive thing for women?  Second, abortions are also terrible for the mothers.  There are surgical issues of an abortion that include DEATH.  Plus there are psychological risks that these women face after surgery such as eating disorders and depression.  A woman who experiences an abortion is six times more likely to commit suicide than a woman who gives birth.  Hillary should be fighting for fewer abortions instead of vilifying her opponents for a few votes.
But Hillary’s most egregious offense might be her actual treatment of women.  I can’t blame her for Bill’s indiscretions, but I can hold her accountable for her complicity.  Some would suggest that Hillary had no idea of what Bill was doing until after Monica Lewinsky’s revelation.  Really?  Bill’s sexual escapades started back in 1969 and include accusations from at least 17 women that I know of.  It strains credulity to think that Hillary had no idea of what was going on.  If she ignored Bill’s bad behavior she at least enabled him to assault the 16 women that followed Eileen Wellstone who accused him of sexual assault back in 1969.
But Hillary went way beyond that.  She participated in or orchestrated the character assassination of every woman that accused her husband of abuse.  This is far different than the behavior she suggests today, which is that every rape or abuse victim needs to be listened to and believed! 
She personally called Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash” and referred to Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic looney tune”.  She also allowed her surrogates like James Carville to slur Bill’s victims.  Mr. Carville suggested that Paula Jones was nothing but a trailer park prostitute when he said, “If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find”.  I’m actually shocked that the lame-stream media would let James get away with that.  There are many other stories of intimidation and slander that greeted Bill’s victims.

These are Hillary’s actions, not Bill’s, and they truly anger and disgust me.  Make no mistake; Hillary is no champion of women.  She will destroy anyone who gets in her way, man or woman.  She will deceive and compromise any principle to get what she wants, which is power.  The bottom line is, if you are looking for a President that you can trust, Hillary is not your gal.