Sunday, December 6, 2015

Climate Change and Terrorism

Climate Change Causes Terrorism?
 The View from the Middle

How would you like to create the perfect argument?  This argument would have to be invulnerable to actual statistics, impossible to totally understand and would not be reliant on any future results.  It would be impossible to prove wrong (or right for that matter).  And wouldn’t it be great if you could make millions if not billions of dollars supporting that argument!   Well, stop working on it.  It’s already been invented and it’s called “Global Warming”.   Oops, I mean “Climate Change”.  See, you can’t even tie these guys down to a name!
Remember, it was less than 40 years ago when Stephen Schneider, a top climate advisor for Al Gore, and a hoard of his fellow scientists were warning all of us of an upcoming “Ice Age”.  He also warned “we can't predict with any certainty what's happening to our own climatic future”.  Obviously, in the last 38 years Al has set him down and said, “Hey Steve!  Let’s go with warming instead of freezing and let's say we CAN predict what’s going to happen!”  That makes all the difference in the world.
Of course, Al and Steve stumbled out of the gate by making some actual predictions.  They said the polar ice caps would be gone by 2010, and New York and Miami would be under water.   But these missteps are no problem for the perfect argument.  They just denied those predictions for a while and then changed them when they got caught.  Now these catastrophic events will happen in a hundred years if we don’t act right now.  Of course, Al and Steve will be long dead by then and Al's children’s, children will be spending his billions on some other con game they can perpetrate on America.
And now they’ve changed their cause’s name to “Climate Change”, because temperatures have not been increasing for the past 20 years of so.  This allows them to use any weather related event in their argument.  If we have a year with a lot of hurricanes, it’s Climate Change.  If we have a year with very few hurricanes, it’s Climate Change.  If it rains – Climate Change.  If it doesn’t – Climate Change.  Tornadoes – Climate Change.  No tornadoes – Climate Change.  I think you get the picture. 
But the inaccurate predictions and claims that every event supports their theory have begun to make many of us a little skeptical.  Moving the goalpost for their prophecies to a hundred years from now was the straw that broke my climatological back.  Charles Krauthammer also became suspicious of the all-inclusive claims.  He pointed out that, “if everything supports your hypothesis, then nothing supports it!”  I’m with Chuck!
And now President Obama and Bernie Sanders are trying to claim that Climate Change is causing radical Islamic terrorism.  Wow, how do you disprove that, or prove it?  Don’t worry.  That’s the great thing about the perfect argument.  You don’t have to prove any of this stuff.  You just have to throw it out there and let the rest of us argue about it while you develop your next line of bull.  I’m going to take a big risk here and suggest a counter argument to the President and Bernie.  I think radical Islamic terrorism is caused by a relatively small but growing fanatical, religious group whose goal is to bring the entire world under their control.  Call me silly, but that’s what they say, and I take them at their word.
It finally dawned on me the other day, as I watched the President suggest that Climate Change caused terrorism that even the eventual results don’t matter.  If temperatures fall or maintain, Al, Mr. Obama and Bernie will take credit.  I can just hear them now.  “If we hadn’t done X-Y or Z we wouldn’t have seen these results”.   But, if temperatures go up, it will be because we didn’t do enough.  No one will be able to prove it either way.  And that’s when it hit me.  These guys are full of it, but they have invented the perfect argument.
Now, I’m not suggesting that we should trash the earth, but I am suggesting that no one totally understands how our climate works.  Even climatologists will agree that it is a VERY complex system.  We’ve been through these cycles before when man was clearly not the cause.  This could be a natural process that God put in place when He created the world and we can have little to no impact on it.  If you’re an atheist you can substitute “Mother Nature” for God.   Whatever!
But before we start trashing our economy by destroying the fossil fuel industries, we need to do a lot more honest study on this subject.  There are even some scientists who believe the warming that the President is predicting could be beneficial to the earth.  Whatever you do, feel empowered to be skeptical.  Don’t fall for this unprovable argument.  Don’t trust anyone who tells you that you have to give them money today in the form of carbon taxes or subsidized energy costs or the world will end in 100 years.  Conveniently for these doomsayers, anyone who is reading this article will be dead by then. 

If you aren’t skeptical yet, remember Rahm Emanuel’s famous saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  He was implying that he would use any crisis to advance his ideological agenda.  And if you don’t have a real crisis lying around, just make one up.  Can anyone say “Climate Change”?

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