Friday, March 26, 2021

Joe Biden's First Press Conference

 What the Heck Was That?

The View from the Middle


I just finished watching Joe Biden’s first press conference of his Presidency and I’m a little jittery.  I have to admit that I had to drink two cups of coffee and take a NoDoz to stay awake.  Before I get into the substance of the press conference, because there was so little of it, let’s talk a little about the format and process of it.

They created a very sterile and stifling environment where all 30 reporters were seated with perfect posture, at least six feet apart, all politely wearing their masks even when they were asking questions.  I should note here that Joe Biden didn’t wear a mask while speaking and no reporter asked him to put it on as they did to Senator Ted Cruz just yesterday.  But I digress.

It was also obvious that they had preselected the questioners and the questions well before the event.  First of all, all of the questions came from friendly (liberal) sources like the AP, CNN, ABC and the other left leaning networks. There was not one question asked by Fox, Newsmax or The New York Post.  And it was clear that Joe knew the questions beforehand, as he frequently shuffled through papers after each question to get to the right page of notes for his answer.  He would then regularly look down and simply read his answer from his prepared notes. 

It was actually kind of amusing at one point when he pulled out a list of infrastructure problems that he said he had his staff prepare.  Of course, he suggested that he didn’t do that in preparation for this press conference, but he just happened to have that list in his coat pocket.  Now, you can believe that he didn’t do this in preparation for today’s press conference if you like, but I don’t.

I would like to see President Biden confront the kind of Press Conferences that President Trump faced on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.  Not only was there not the absolutely rude screaming out of questions (remember Jim Acosta from CNN), but not a single reporter even spoke out of turn.  They weren’t even allowed to raise their hands for fear that Uncle Joe might call on the wrong person and get a question he wasn’t prepared for.  The President suggested at least a couple of times that the battle of the future of the world will be between Democracy and Autocracy (a government of absolute power, like China or Russia), and I agree.  But, it should have occurred to everyone watching this performance that this is exactly the kind of press conference you will find in China or Russia.  No real or difficult questions, no surprises, very little substance and very little truth.

When asked about the filibuster in the Senate, Joe said that it had only been used about 50 times in the first 50 years of its existence.  He then talked about how it had been “abused” just last year over 250 times.  He either forgot or was unaware that the “abuse” he was talking about came from the Democrats, who were the minority party in the Senate last year.  He also didn’t mention that 27 Democrat Senators signed a letter just four years ago suggesting that the elimination of the filibuster would be “the end of Democracy as we know it”.  I agreed with those Democrat Senators then, and now!

He only absolutely lost track of what he was talking about three times during this press conference.  I say “only” because that is probably going to be an acceptable performance for Uncle Joe, while it would have been grounds to invoke the 25th Amendment for every other President (at least a Republican President).  He also said some absolutely crazy things during this event.  For example, he said that we will need to be building roads three feet higher across the country because of climate change and, I guess, because of the rise of the oceans.  I can’t believe that no one asked a follow-up question to that statement.  Where in the heck did he get that information?  He also said that the vast majority of people at the border were being returned to Mexico right now, while I have it on good authority that 87% are not.  Was that a lie?  Or just another famous Uncle Joe Gaffe?

And as if those crazy statements weren’t enough, he threw in some hyperbolic fearmonger for good measure.  Just minutes after suggesting that he wants to unite the country, Joe suggested that any state that wants to control their own election laws was trying to unleash Jim Crow on steroids, what he called “Jim Eagle” in an attempt to be clever.  Personally, I found this comparison to be pathetic, fraudulent and divisive.  He is suggesting that anyone who disagrees with his definition of election integrity is a racist bigot.  Yah, that kind of rhetoric will bring the country together!

He did, however, manage to improve our rank in the world in regards to infrastructure during his press conference.  When he started talking about infrastructure and was trying to suggest how bad things are here, he stated that the US was ranked 85th in the world when it comes to infrastructure.  But then two minutes later, when reading his infrastructure cliff notes from his staff, he stated that we were ranked 13th in the world in that area.  Now THAT is fast work for any President!  Way to go Joe.  We moved up from 85th to 13th in two minutes.  How did you do it?

The bottom line is, The United States of America needs and deserves better than this.  The lame-stream media and the Democrat party might allow this President to put training wheels on his press conferences, but Xi Xing Ping, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un will not.  Even his staunchest advocates are calling his performance “fine” and “OK” for a near octogenarian, thus grading him on a curve for his age.  While the media and his party may want to lower the expectations or requirements of our President, the world will not.  Our enemies and even our allies will take advantage of any shortcomings that he exhibits.  Contrary to what Joe thinks, I believe there are 80 million people in this country experiencing buyer’s remorse this morning.


  1. Watching the GOP meltdown over a basically boring President and press conference, is very funny. I think you guys got addicted to the crazy the previous 4 years. I know the cable news stations, from MSNBC to FOX to Newsmax, certainly did.

    1. Boring, stumbling and loaded with inaccuracies despite the fact that it was totally staged. This should concern every American for all the reasons I pointed out above.

    2. Matt, I think you have totally mislabeled MSNBC as they are still fawning over Joe's D- passing grade for this Press Conference.

    3. All my life Presidential press conferences were boring, with the occasional exception when Sam Donaldson and Reagan would get into it. Then we all watched Trump because it was clear he didn't prepare for them and there was no telling what tangent he would go off on. Basically reality tv with about as much substance.

      You want to believe Biden is impaired so you believe it, that's all. Meanwhile, substantively the GOP remains in utter disarray and Biden just got his first legislative priority through, a massive stimulus bill, and is about to pass another.

      After looking the other way as Trump was injecting bleach and other things in every press conference, you're now acutely focused on these things. It's partisanship, nothing more, and certainly not the kind of substance the GOP is going to need to turn things around.

  2. One quibble: I doubt that 80 Million people have “buyers remorse”. Not that many “alive and legal” souls voted for Joe. Also, in order to have “buyers remorse”, you must be able to see that you are being fed propaganda (lies) by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, et al. Liberal Media says “all is well...much better than before” Rome burns...

    1. Bobby, not only are you absolutely right, but you found a way to say it in a way that makes me literally LOL. You are the man!

    2. Good point, it was OVER 80 million.

  3. I wonder what your comments were about drinking bleach and shoving a light up your butt to cure coronavirus? Also, shooting a nuclear bomb in to a hurricane. Making fun and mocking a disabled reporter.

  4. I wonder what your comments were about drinking bleach and shoving a light up your butt to cure coronavirus? Also, shooting a nuclear bomb in to a hurricane. Making fun and mocking a disabled reporter.

  5. Here's a fact check on your bleach claim. I'm not even going to legitimize your lightbulb claim and I heard that it was actually Joe Biden's idea to drop nukes into hurricanes. Just because Joe Biden says something, doesn't make it true.

    Also, here's a link to Biden telling a man in a wheel chair to stand up.

    The difference between your BS accusations and my article is that my article is only facts and all of these gaffes, lies and brain farts happened inside one hour, in one press conference. Your inaccurate "whataboutism" doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden is either suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's and will not only not run in 2024, but will probably not even be President by then.

    There is a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome and that is to listen to something beside the lame stream media. Give it a shot. You will definitely learn something.

    PS - Trump is not President anymore. You should be worried about this President - A lot

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  8. Kevin your constant claims that Joe Biden is suffering from Alzheimer’s only diminish you age others who say that sort of thing. You don’t have any medical training or evidence and it’s pure partisanship. That’s an incredibly sad disease and having observed it up close or makes me sad you would toss it around as a political weapon.

    1. Matt, I have also experienced both dementia and Alzheimer's up close, and it is sad, but it is also a reality. Are you trying to tell me that you have NO concerns about the cognitive ability of Joe Biden? I have actually been around for all of Joe's political career and I can tell you that he is not the same person that was even Vice President under Obama. I also doubt that the Democrat Party is going to be transparent about his condition.

      Being President of The United States is a very difficult job and we need a person in that position that has full control of his or her faculties. As I said earlier, I have experienced this up close, and while I'm not a doctor (neither are you) I am a human being with eyes and ears and a brain and I can come to a conclusion that Joe is struggling with one of those conditions.

      You are also a person with a brain. Are you suggesting that you have seen no signs of a decline in his mental capabilities? He's 78. There has never been a CEO of P&G at that age. NEVER. This last press conference is just exhibit one in the trial on his capability. I take no pleasure in pointing out the obvious, but we can not afford to turn a blind eye to his cognitive decline.

      Finally, and answer this question first, if Donald Trump had a press conference with training wheels like this one and performed as poorly as Joe did, do you really think you and the lame stream media would be praising him?

      I think there should be a minimum and maximum age for a President. The minimum is 35 but I can tell you that I will hesitate in the future to vote for anyone over 70. So that means I only have one year left to run for President under my own standards. : - )

    2. I am telling you I don't make medical diagnoses from TV watching as I am neither a doctor nor have I spent the extended period of time or engaged in the testing that would be required to make such a diagnosis. I would expect most if not all of the people spouting this claim are in the same position as I am.

      It's a partisan cudgel, and one that we should be above, as decent people. You've certainly called for decency before in politics, and this sort of uninformed speculation that the President has serious medical conditions which you have no way of knowing is at odds with that.

      Donald Trump performed poorly at multiple press conferences. He mispronounced words, seemed to have no idea what the question was about, and would just riff on whatever he thought. He even did it on Twitter, where he has the advantage of typing it out, looking at it again, and then fixing mistakes before posting. At worst, I chalked that up to simply Trump laziness for being unwilling to do the hard work of preparing. I don't think even his biggest fans such as yourself would argue he was a stickler for putting time in preparation.

      The funniest part about all the MDs diagnosing Biden is so far he's doing pretty much exactly what he wants, passing Dem priorities without a problem. It is his opponents who seem unfocused, casting from one silly attack to another, while Biden happily goes on his way. If he's as addled as you say, what's that say about GOP leadership as they're getting their butts handed to them?

  9. Matt is not dealing with reality. Kevin you are right Joe is declining daily and it is sad and alarming to watch.

    1. You're probably right. In my reality Biden just championed a massive stimulus bill the majority of Americans wanted and the GOP was yammering about Dr. Suess and how Biden was declining while its leader gave a wedding toast rambling on about the 2020 election.

      Good thing I'm in an alternate universe and that didn't occur in our current reality.

  10. The majority of Americans wanted $1,400 borrowed from their grandkids? If that is true we are going down the tubes faster than I thought.

    1. That's been true for a long time. Why do you think Trump pushed so hard for it? I think he's finally figuring out that the GOP Senate screwed his re-election chances as much as his own personality did.

  11. Here's an interesting but pointless stat which I'll use to illustrate the perils of partisanship:

    So those job numbers are great, right? Dow is soaring as well.

    Should Biden get credit for that? I say no. Yet it has now become normalized in both parties that somehow the President has this magical power to make the economy turn in a moment. And that when it's growing, nothing his predecessors did, nothing happening in the world, matters as much as what the current occupant has done (or not done), no matter how miniscule. Remember Trump telling us that if Biden was elected, the economy and Dow would crater? Remember Republicans believing it? Repeating it? Telling us Trump's magical powers grew the economy, as if it hadn't grown before his election and is still growing after? It was silly then and it's silly when Dems do it.

    The other thing is it's TWO MONTHS!! It's like the "Biden has too many exec orders" thing. It's two months in a 4 year administration. We're crowing now about this? Or we're hammering about the other?

    We all need a long break from applying the partisan lens to everything, and to deifying Presidents.
