Thursday, March 11, 2021



The View from the Middle


Joe Biden should be very proud.  It isn’t often that Webster’s Dictionary chooses to add a word to their universe of defined terms.  Thanks to Uncle Joe, Webster’s will be adding the word “Funity” to their dictionary (pronounced few-ni-tee).  According to Webster the definition of Funity is “a false promise of Unity” or “a promise made for Unity with no intention of fulfilling that promise.”  At least this is what I’ve heard.  Way to go, Joe.  You are really changing the world, or at least the English language.  Given his refusal or inability to give a press conference (take live questions from reporters) Webster is also looking at adding “Fransparency” to their lexicon.

But let’s be fair.  Uncle Joe richly deserves credit for inspiring these two new words.  As of today, he has only been in office for 49 days, but he is smashing records left and right.  He has yet to give a press conference where he actually answers questions that he hasn’t heard of in advance.  That is a modern-day record.  Way to go, Joe.  Between this and his habit of sleeping in, taking daily naps and his early bed times, Joe is the least transparent and least accessible President in my lifetime.  Say what you will about Donald Trump, he constantly took questions from a hostile press corp.  President Biden (he is still President, right?), you are setting a new low standard for transparency, or “fransparency” in your case.

And his fransparency is nothing compared to his “Funity”.  Candidate Biden didn’t run on closing the Keystone Pipeline, bailing our blue states with your money or sending money for abortions to other countries, but he has done all of those things.  He DID run on a promise to deliver unity to the country, which he immediately broke. 

In his first 49 days he has set another record for signing Executive orders, and this is a record for all past Presidents back to George Washington.  In his first 49 days, he has written 59 Executive Orders.  Now, let’s be clear, signing an Executive order requires zero support from Republicans in office, and I’m sure that’s what he would get if any Republicans were even asked if they supported them.  Let’s also be clear that signing Executive Orders is the opposite of unity.  If fact, signing EO’s is more like the actions of a dictator than a President, and Joe Biden even said so back in October of 2020.  His exact words were, “Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need consensus."  Joe obviously doesn’t know or has forgotten what the definition of “consensus” is.

Joe has allowed major legislation pass without a single Republican vote.  He met with 10 Republican Senators concerning the $1.9 TRILLION Covid-19 relief package, but Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have passed that bill today without a single Republican vote.  Joe, I know you’re only the President of the United States, but couldn’t you come out and send a message to Nancy and Chuck that there might be some good ideas from Republicans that could have been worked into this bill?  Do you mean to tell me that you couldn’t put something in this bill (or take something out) that would get the support of Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski or Mitt Romney.  To quote you, Joe, “Come on Man!”

And then we have HR1, a bill that will rewrite and federalize election laws across the country.  This bill will make permanent the changes made to accommodate people during the pandemic.  Yes, we set a record for the number of votes cast for both Presidential candidates, but what we did in 2020 was less than perfect.  Should we send out unsolicited ballots to everyone in the United States, which opens the door for ballot harvesting and fraud?  Should we eliminate signature verification?  Of course, we want to maximize participation, but we must also protect the integrity of our elections.  HR1, again, did not get a single Republican vote.  Are there some conservative ideas that could have been added to that bill to get at least some Republican support?  Absolutely!  But maybe Joe has forgotten his promise to deliver unity.  Side note, HR1 will certainly get challenged in the Supreme Court and I predict it will be overthrown.

And, as if signing EO’s and passing legislation without any Republican support isn’t enough, Joe has stooped to using Hillary’s tactic of “character assassination”.  Hillary Clinton put anyone who disagreed with her in her “basket of deplorables” and now Joe has followed her lead just changing her characterization to “Neanderthal”.  This is a small thing and I only bring it up because it absolutely flies in the face of his promise of unity.  

So, whether it is his avalanche of Executive Orders or the totally partisan legislation that is being passed or his disdain for roughly half of America, Joe is failing in his promise to bring this country together, which is a big disappointment to me.  To call out our President with one of his own favorite and really clever quips, “Come on Man”.  Joe you can do better!!


  1. At some point, when things do not get a single Republican vote, do you wonder if perhaps it's the Republicans who don't want unity? Remember, it was originally the GOP that pushed mail in voting and steps to make it easier for the elderly to vote. To great electoral success. Then inexplicably Trump (who uses mail in voting) said it was bad, so now the party is bailing on it.

    The GOP has shown no interest in joint governing for years, because agreeing with a Democrat on anything will get you primaried. Even making compromises will get you primaried.

    The GOP was never going to sign on to a stiumulus because it would benefit Biden. That's political calculation with an eye on the next elections. It has nothing to do with principle. And they're probably right not to if they want to survive a GOP primary.

    The idea that if there was just some "conservative" (whatever that means post-Trump) provisions in this or that some GOPers would sign on is not borne out by recent history.

    1. Matt,
      I will respectfully disagree. There were 10 Republican Senators that met with Biden to discuss their ideas for this bill and Biden (he is President of the United States, right?) and Pelosi and Schumer didn't incorporate one of their ideas in this bill. This would have been a huge opportunity to reach across the aisle (something Biden ran on) and get a bill that included the stimulus checks, which is THE popular element in this bill, but excluded some of the pork. If the bill had even been reduced to $1.5 Trillion, they could have gained a few Republican votes, but they, in effect, told Republicans to drop dead. That's not unity, it's Funity.

      Joe Biden ran on a unity and working across the aisle promise. I didn't tell him to do that, and I'm not making it up. HE ran on it and he is NOT delivering it, and in fact he is delivering the exact opposite. That is just a fact.

      And stop comparing Florida's mail in balloting to what was just executed in 2020. In Florida you have to request a ballot and there is signature verification. In 2020 there were unsolicited ballots sent out and Dems are proposing no signature verification in the future. If you don't see the difference then you are fooling yourself.

    2. They did meet with him. So what were their proposals? We don't know what was said, we don't know if they could deliver, and you have no idea if any reduction could have guaranteed votes from the Republican side.

      Right now because of the GOP primary base, there is zero incentive for any GOP politician who wants to avoid a primary challenger to compromise. The GOP has no particular unifying spending principles (which is what you seem to think would have brought them around), so I'm not sure why you think reducing the size would have changed much.

      You've put a ton of stock in one meeting that you don't know what was offered or could be delivered as if that represents a GOP attempt at "unity." I think you need some more evidence before you put this all on one side.

      I'm not even a particular fan of the stimulus, but to say that somehow it's BIDEN who has abandoned the pledge of unity is crazy.

  2. One other thought, if Biden does something that a significant percentage of Republican voters like, and a majority of Democrats like, isn't that "bipartisan"? Why would the term be limited only to the approval numbers of Congresspeople and Senators?

    1. Matt,
      The only thing that a majority of Americans (72 to 75%) like about this bill is the $1,400 checks they are receiving. Let's just ask the question, "who wants the government to give them some of their own money back" and that will get a lot of positive responses too. This should be called "the bribing of America."

      And those checks represent a very small fraction of the total $1.9 Trillion, about 20%. If you asked about each element, you would get a much different response. You, for example, did not like the $86 billion bailout of union pension plans. I didn't like the $350 billion bailout of poorly managed states like New York and Illinois. Arkansans would not like the $140 million for a subway in San Francisco and almost all Americans wouldn't like the fact the Tsarnaev (the Boston Marathon bomber) will be getting a check.

      I don't even think that most Americans like the idea of racking up Trillions in debt that will be passed on to their Children. I know you will try to say that Republicans have racked up debt too, and you would be right, but right now we are talking about THIS bill and it would be much smaller if Republicans had the majorities. Are YOU happy with the size of this bill and with all of the elements in it? I think not.

    2. Even if you're right, again, that doesn't mean that Biden's bill doesn't represent some version of "unity" (a silly concept to be sure). If "unity" in your definition is a bill that we must get some unknown percentage of the other party's support on every provision, then that's no definition at all. It's just a moving target that the other team (whichever side you're on) will hit. Which is why "unity" is a buzzword, not a meaningful attack.

      You tell me we'd get a different response, but who knows?

      Arkansans might not like $140 million for a New York subway, but considering Arkansas is a year over year net taker of federal tax dollars and New York is a year over year net payor, do we in Arkansas really want to play that game? Have New York get veto power over all our spending? The only thing that keeps us from being in the same straits as those states is our Constitution requires a balanced budget, though we've amended it to allow a lot of revenue bonds which may well come back to bite us one day.

      And if Arkansans were really against prisoners getting checks, how come none of them said anything the first two rounds of the stimulus when the GOP President and Senate passed bills where prisoners got stimulus? I know Sen. Cotton has been running the "prisoners get checks" cry, but he said nothing and voted for both previous stimulus bills. Granted, he's the worst kind of political opportunist, but he's probably Arkansas' most prominent current GOP politician.

      You may not think most Americans don't like the idea of all that debt, but right now you'd be hard pressed to find 10 of 535 representatives that will take that stand. So evidently the GOP and Dem base don't mind it at all, because that's who these guys are most responsive to.

      The GOP on debt is kind of like the GOP on Obamacare. They spent a decade railing against it, voting for symbolic bills they knew would never pass while Dems had the majority. Then they got the majority and what did they do? Nothing. Just tried to pass the buck to the courts and blame them when it didn't get overturned. It's the same with spending.

    3. Couple edits: "It's a moving target the other side will NEVER hit".

      Instead of "You may not think most Americans don't like the idea. . . " should be "You MAY think most Americans don't like the idea. . . "

  3. As always, I appreciate your fact research!

  4. I thought Joe was lying about unity during the campaign and he has proven us right. He's a terrible leader who won't take questions from the press because of his declining cognitive ability. Yet most Americans got $1,400 (borrowed from their grandkids) so everything is just fine. We are in sad shape Kevin.

  5. Kevin did you see Biden's comments yesterday? says he will "plow past the chaos" if he can't get his liberal agenda through the Senate. Disgusting.

    1. I believe the phrase is, "Elections have consequences."

  6. "So, whether it is his avalanche of Executive Orders"

    How about we wait until the end of the term before we declare an avalanche?
