Monday, January 18, 2021

Celebrating MLK Day the Right Way

 Celebrating MLK Day the Right Way

The View from the Middle


I rarely agree with anyone on everything, so when a Black Pastor from our sister church in Memphis said he had 14 recommendations for everyone to deliver racial harmony in our country, I was skeptical.  I was certain there would be at least be one or two that I would not agree with.  In this case, however, I couldn’t disagree with any of them.  That’s a double negative which means that I agreed with them all.  

So, on this day to celebrate the good Doctor’s positive impact on our nation, I thought I would share them with all of my readers.  Here is his list of things to do:


1.     Love like the Father.  This is a tall order, in fact impossible, but we should always be striving for that agape love.

2.     Live like Jesus.  John14:6 - He is the way and truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him.

3.     Embrace the long suffering of the Holy Spirit.  It has taken a long time to make the progress we have recognized, and it will take more time to deliver the promise of Dr. King.

4.     Create positive environments. On the airways and the internet we should be the voice of Angles – holy, not of angry.

5.     Listen like Luke.  True listening (from both sides) helps heal.

6.     Never underestimate the spirit of laughter.  Have fun together.  Share life.

7.     Learn from each other.  When you listen and then learn, it shows respect for the other person.

8.     Lead sacrificially as Jesus did.  John 15:13 - “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

9.     Like me as well as love me.  “Love one another” is a command from God.  Liking someone else is a choice.

10.  Be a warrior with me every day, not just a “feel good ministry” at Thanksgiving or Christmas.

11.  Bring people together to leverage relationships and build bridges to each other.  

12.  Change laws that need to be changed, but obey the laws that are in place.  

13.  Recognize that white people are NOT all of the problem, and white people are NOT all of the solution either.

14.  Leap into action.  Be proactive.  Don’t sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you.


God bless you all and may God bless and unite this country.

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