Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Political Intrigue Fatigue

Political Intrigue Fatigue
The View from the Middle

I think I can speak for the vast majority of Americans when I say that I am exhausted by the three-year impeachment investigation that has been sucking all of the oxygen out of Washington and the country. Sure, Adam Schiff will try to convince you that the impeachment inquiry just started a few weeks ago, but he is just part of the elaborate drama that has been playing in Washington since President Trump was elected.
In fact, the Washington Post called for the President’s impeachment only 19 minutes after his inauguration. Man, that must have been a terrible 19 minutes. What exactly had he done to deserve impeachment? And House Democratic Representatives Al Green, from Texas, and Maxine Waters, from California, picked up the mindless cult chant shortly after that.

Then there was the Mueller investigation that desperately looked for “collusion” with Russia by the Trump campaign for nearly two years and found that not only has Trump not colluded with Russia (which, by the way is not a crime) but that no American colluded with or coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 elections. This, of course, is despite the fact that Adam “full of” Schiff promised that there was tons of evidence in plain sight. I guess you needed Adam Schiff’s double vision, double standard glasses to see it.
Just a side note here. Who was President of the United States during the 2016 elections, and didn’t he say publicly that there was nothing to the Russian meddling?

For the last three weeks we have been subjected to the Adam “full of” Schiff show, which has bored America from start to finish. The viewership for the first day of the Adam Schiff show was only 13 million people, which is about half the ratings of the Republican debates, starring Donald Trump, back in 2016. That audience declined every day until it finished with an audience just over 11 million.

Of course we are desperately awaiting (not really) the findings of this inquiry which will be released later today. We’re all on pins and needles. Dear me, what will they conclude? As if we don’t already know. Would it surprise anyone to find out that this final report was written before the inquiry even heard its first witness, just like Comey’s exoneration of Hillary Clinton back in 2015. Just humor me here. Is “Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee” an oxymoron?

All of this endless investigation has sucked the life out of the American people and apparently Congress too, which can’t seem to get anything done. While Nancy Pelosi claimed that she can “walk and chew gum”, nothing of any meaning is passing The House despite some tremendous bipartisan agreement. For example, the USMCA (our trade agreement with Canada and Mexico) will add billions to our economy and create nearly 200,000 jobs has tremendous support from both sides of the aisle. Nancy Pelosi, however, will not bring it to a vote because she doesn’t want President Trump to get a win, even if it means depriving the American people from its benefits.

Both parties also agree on the need for an infrastructure bill to help repair our country’s roads, bridges and airports, and as you might imagine, there is bipartisan support for a prescription drug bill to help our senior citizens. I believe that there is even room to come together on some immigration legislation. Trump has already shown interest in offering a path to citizenship for the DACA kids / Dreamers in exchange for some border security spending. There is much that can be accomplished if Congress decided to focus on “We The People” instead of searching for impeachment in all the wrong places. By the way, is “I just don’t like the guy” grounds for impeachment?

Worst of all for Democrats, they are losing the public relations fight. The percent of the country that supports impeachment and removal from office continues to decline, and that’s while they are in charge of this charade in the House. Wait until (if) the Senate takes control.

Finally, the Democrat debates are taking a hit. The first debate boasted 18.2 million viewers, about 25% less than a Republican debate including Trump. This viewership has dropped steadily until the last debate on MSNBC hit rock bottom with an audience of only 6.6 million viewers. This may be a blessing in disguise, however, since the policies that these candidates support (Medicare for all, guaranteed income, free college and free everything else) are delusional at best.

The fact is, the country is exhausted. We’ve turned off our television news coverage and tuned into Nick at Night. We want a distraction from all of this distraction. We just want Washington to get back to work for the American people. Is that too much to ask?


  1. If this circus doesn’t scream the need for term limits, I don’t know what will. If these clowns knew they only had 2-3 terms to get done what the people voted them in to do, they would not be so totally partisan & a lot of our tax money would not be wasted. Like you, I am so totally exhausted by all the crap they have thrown at us. Wake up Americans. Vote the fools out!!

  2. It's hard to buy the Republican complaints of this is exhausting after 8 years of Benghazi investigations. After Mitch McConnell said it was his goal to make Obama a one term President. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Whenever Dems tried these exact same "get on with the business of the people" lines about Benghazi Repubs would reply how vital it was. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they have switched places.

    Right now the Republican controlled Senate is sitting on hundreds of bills passed by the House. It won't even vote "no" on them. They just sit there. So the argument by Republicans that if it weren't for impeachment we'd be getting all this done is laughable, at best.

    I don't like the guy is not grounds for impeachment. The guy refuses to comply with lawful subpoenas, blocks people from testifying with specious claims, illegally held up Congressionally mandated aid to a foreign country, and did so to get that foreign country's leaders to announce (not even conduct) an investigation into one of his political rivals IS a reason to impeach.

    And if one is wondering if that's really true it's impeachable, it's easy to figure out. Just ask yourself what you'd say if a President from the other team had done these same things. Or better yet, ask Madison:

    "Madison argued that the Constitution needed a provision “for defending the community against the incapacity, negligence, or perfidy of the Chief Magistrate.” Waiting to vote him out of office in a general election wasn’t good enough. “He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation”— embezzlement—“or oppression,” Madison warned. “He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”

    Or if you really are tired of all this, and you were tired of Benghazi, etc. the previous 8 years, then that's ok. But consider:

  3. The attempt at impeachment is a farce. The democrats currently dismiss American founding principles and common American values. Sadly it hasn't always been this way with their agendas. Those who don't like what this country has stood for for centuries should find themselves another country to live in.
    The vast majority of Americans are hard working, peace loving, freedom seeking peoples who simply want to pursue a better life for themselves and their families without government imposing its will beyond the basic necessities, such as protection from foreign enemies.

  4. I was unaware this country stood for embracing dictators who invite Muslims to declare war on the West:

    "During a joint press conference Wednesday afternoon, Trump stood alongside Erdoğan — whom Trump said he’s a “big fan of” — and let the Turkish leader repeat his talking points, unchallenged."

    Are those some of the American values you speak of?

    I was also unaware that American founding principles included a President marketing his private business to the public with his official Twitter account:

    Is it a "common American value" to lie to the public about paying porn stars off? Is it a common American value for the American President to simulate an orgasm during a speech:

    I'm trying to figure out which of the founding principles the President is protecting. Perhaps you can help? Here's some Alexander Hamilton which might be of use. From Federalist 68:

    "The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. .  .  . When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’"
