Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Socratic Wisdom

Whether you have been called a misogynist or a xenophobe or bigot or worse, or if your argument consists of these insults, this wisdom from Socrates is for you.

While it is impossible to prove whether Socrates made this specific statement or not, since he virtually never wrote things down, this is certainly consistent with his known sentiment. When you resort to name-calling, whether you are Hillary or Trump, you have lost the real intellectual debate and have shut down the discussion instead of enriching it. When you hear the vilification, share this logic from Socrates and maybe we can turn the debate to reason, facts and civility on a national scale.

1 comment:

  1. Timely thought as I listen to Jim Jordan ask "questions" of career public servants and Trump appointees with knowledge of facts harmful to Trump. Reminds me of the Benghazi hearings. House GOP has truly become what it once despised.
