Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Media Coverage of Bush 41 - Pathetic

Media Coverage of Bush 41 - Pathetic
The View from the Middle

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little sick of the mainstream media’s coverage of our late President, George H.W. Bush. It isn’t the actual content that bothers me. Bush “41” was a very accomplished, principled and courageous man. It is the source of the coverage that makes me ill. Having the lamestream media gush over the late President is a little like listening to David Duke deliver the eulogy for Martin Luther King. Even as they celebrate his life and enumerate his accomplishments and praise his character, their coverage is tainted by their hypocrisy and bias.

Let’s do a reality check. The media crucified George Bush Sr. during his Presidency every chance they got. They called him stupid, out of touch and even went so far as to call him a “Wimp” on the cover of Newsweek magazine. And if you haven’t seen Dan Rather’s ambush of then VP Bush on national TV in 1988, look it up. It was disgusting.

But now, in death, he is beloved by the media who suggest that they had a great relationship with him and, of course, he would have never have called them the “enemy of the state”. He did say that they were fast and loose with the truth (fake news) and were constantly impugning the motives of both he and his son, “43”. He said that the mainstream media was arrogant, had lost its objectivity and had become advocates of the Democrat party. This rosy relationship between Bush Sr. and the media exists only in their imaginations.

Once we have washed off the stench of the mainstream media’s self-serving and completely insincere coverage of Bush Sr. we can take a truthful look at the former President’s life. This Yale grad and WWII fighter pilot was clearly not stupid and certainly not a wimp. He, in fact, may have been the most qualified person to become President unlike the false claim made by Hillary Clinton sycophants. After his military service he became a successful business man, Congressman, Ambassador to the UN, Chairman of the RNC, first envoy to China, Director of the CIA and Vice President of the United States for eight years under Ronald Reagan. Now those are actual qualifications for the top job.

He was a decent man who wanted a “kinder and gentler” country and advocated a “thousand points of light” solution to many of our national problems, tapping into the inherent generosity of the American people. He was also an honorary member of The View From the Middle for his ability to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats. His bipartisan legislation to reduce the budget deficit, the passing of The Americans With Disabilities Act and the Clean Air Act are just a few examples of his unbiased approach to governance.

He, in fact, would have been a two term President if the media had given him any sort of fair coverage on the economy and if Ross Perot hadn’t sabotaged his second campaign. Even today, the media will try to convince you that Bush 41 passed on an economy in shambles to Bill Clinton. In reality, after the recession of 1991 the Bush Administration delivered an economy that grew almost 4% in 1992 which Clinton then rode for the next eight years. Fair coverage would positively impact Bush’s chances in that 1992 election.

However, the biggest reason the George H.W. Bush lost in 1992 was the fact that the conservative Ross Perot ran as an Independent candidate, syphoning off almost 20 million votes that would have largely gone to George Bush. Perot, a sort of 1992 version of Donald Trump, captured 19% of the vote, the most by any independent candidate since Teddy Roosevelt ran in 1912 with his “Bull Moose” Progressive party. Just as Teddy ruined President Taft’s chances for a second term and handed the Presidency to Woodrow Wilson, Perot handed the Presidency to Bill Clinton.

Yes, George H.W. Bush was a decent, accomplished person who may go down as the best one term President in our History. You just needed to hear from someone who actually liked him instead of the people who trashed him at every opportunity while he was in office.

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