Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Americans Have Much to be Thankful For
The View from the Middle

At a time when Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, has said, “America has never been that great”, and other politicians see racism, bigotry and misogyny around every corner, it is important for us to give thanks for the blessing of being born in this great country.

I believe that Thomas Jefferson knew exactly what he was committing to when he said, “That all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence. At the time he wrote that famous phrase, that was definitely not true, but he was pledging that this new nation would make that promise a reality. From Jefferson to Lincoln to FDR to LBJ to today we have worked to make that dream come true.

In 1965 we had only five African American members of the House of Representatives and none in the Senate. In the 116th Congress which will start in January of 2019, we will have 54 black House members. This is not only more than ten times the membership of 1965, but will bring African American representation very close to their proportion of the general population (12.4% of the House – 12.6% of US population). This is hardly a sign of a racist America. In fact, it is an indicator of a promise being kept by generations long after the original pledge.

In 1956 there were only 17 women in the House of Representatives. In the 116th Congress there will be 100 or more when all the races are decided. Is this a misogynistic trend? I think not. There are many men who vote for women running for office. Remember, I voted for Carly Fiorina in the Presidential primary. This is just another sign of the self-correcting nature of the country that we should be proud of.

After the “Debbie Downer” politicians have put the country in a state of depression, along comes the lame-stream media with their caustic, hyperbolic drivel to add rage to our already despondent psyches. They tell us daily that our country is in the middle of a crisis of our democracy. Even as they spew this rubbish, we complete yet another peaceful election which ushers in a transition of power in the House from the Republicans to the Democrats without guns firing, torches blazing and pitch forks raised. This is how our Republic is supposed to operate.

They cry that we are also experiencing an assault on the freedom of the press, while their coverage skews 90% negative against the person in power, Donald Trump. Wouldn’t that ratio be reversed if our press was truly being controlled or threatened by the government? Isn’t this actually a sign of real freedom of the press? Even Jim Acosta (let’s face it, he is a jerk) got his White House press credentials back. Only in America.

Finally, the press will suggest that we are also experiencing a constitutional crisis. They do love a good crisis, don’t they? They say that if the President fires Robert Mueller he will be violating our constitution. Unfortunately for the lame-stream media, they and the Democrats are the only ones talking about taking such action. Trust me, the President has no intention of firing Robert Mueller. My prediction is that Mueller will be allowed to deliver his report and the whole Russia collusion conspiracy will die with a whimper instead of a bang.

Don’t be duped by the detractors who will try to tell you that “America never was that great” or that we are the cause of the world’s problems and not the solution. America is the kindest, most compassionate, most powerful, most blessed, most generous country in the world. The American people are the most generous, most industrious and the most determined people on the planet. So, reject the politicians’ and news commentators’ suggestions that we should all hate at least half of our citizenry.

Yes, on this day of thanksgiving let us be thankful for this country and this people. Be thankful for our founders who established a government based on freedom and liberty and the idea that the state is servant of the people and not the other way around. Be thankful for the progress we have made through the years to make this country even better. Be thankful for our soldiers and police and first responders who put their lives on the line every day to protect our freedoms. Be thankful for your friends and family who bless you every day.

The list of things to be thankful for could go on and on, but on this day let us be most thankful for each other and for the blessing of being born in this great country. God bless you all, and may God bless America. It truly is a great country.

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