Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Lynching of Brett Kavanaugh

The Truth About the Lynching of Kavanaugh
The View from the Middle

It started with fill-in-the-blank protest signs and social media posts about the next Supreme Court Justice nomination. Some of these mindless, zombie protesters didn’t even have the brains to actually fill in the blank before they released their messages. Some twitter and Facebook messages were actually released with “Put Nominee’s Name Here” space saver slots still in them. The left didn’t care who the nominee would be. They would oppose Mother Theresa if Trump nominated her.

This was followed by the delay, resist, persist and throw hissy fits offensive in the Judiciary Committee’s opening meeting. Before Senator Chuck Grassley could even start the meeting, Democrats called for a vote to adjourn. This was followed by one delay tactic after another. And if they weren’t using some procedural tactic to postpone the proceedings, they were employing the “heckler’s veto”. Rabid, and in all probability paid, protestors interrupted judge Kavanaugh at every opportunity. It was clear that the left was not interested in actually listening to the nominee.

And, when all this failed, Senator “I’m way too old for all this” Diane Feinstein released an unsubstantiated accusation of Brett Kavanaugh despite the accuser’s request to stay anonymous. This, in my opinion, turned both Judge Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford into victims. But that was OK for the Democrats. Any life is worth trashing if it serves their cause. After that, the Democrats brought in the “hypocrisy train” to try to derail the proceedings and the Kavanaugh nomination.

First, Richard Blumenthal, the Senator from the state of denial, demonstrated he has no sense of shame or propriety when he quoted the jury instruction, “falus in uno, falsus in omnibus”. This saying translates generally to, “If a witness lies in one area of a testimony, the jury ‘can’ reject all of his testimony”. This is the guy who lied to all of America when he claimed that he had served in Vietnam. Given the principle of “falus in uno, falus in omnibus” tricky Dick Blumenthal should certainly not be on the Judiciary committee of all things and should probably have been censored by the Senate. Also, if irony were a crime, Richard Blumenthal should get life in the electric chair.

And then we have Corey Booker, Senator from the state of delusion, who has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman while he was in college. Now, he is trying to hold a man who has categorically denied such activity to an entirely different standard. How can these guys do this with a straight face?

They are all trying to turn our entire system of justice and our national culture of “the presumption of innocence” on its head. Something may have happened to Ms. Ford, but she can’t remember the date or time of the event that occurred 36 years ago. All the people she has mentioned in her accusation not only don’t remember it, but deny it ever happened. While she can’t remember how she got to the party or how she got home, her memory is selectively vivid. She also provides no contemporaneous corroboration. While many women hesitate to report a sexual assault to the police, they frequently share the experience with a friend, a teacher, a coach, etc. Ms. Ford did not. Even Rachel Mitchell, the sex crime expert who questioned Dr. Ford for the Republicans, concedes that she couldn’t take this case anywhere near a courtroom. In fact, she admits that she couldn’t even seek a search warrant given the facts in this case.

Finally, the Democrats have created a new phenomenon. It’s called “group hypocrisy”. In their final interview with Judge Kavanaugh, virtually every Democrat Senator asked the judge to demand an extended FBI investigation into this matter. In fact, this was their primary demand. Yet, when this wish was granted, not a single Democrat voted to move this nomination out of committee for a vote before the entire Senate. They lied. They couldn’t care less about what is revealed from this extended investigation. They’re not interested in facts. Their goal has always been to resist and delay. It is obvious to me that truth and progress are not their motivations.

Here’s some advice for Democrats that will be good for their future and for the future of this country. Stop your hysterical, hyperbolic, deceptive character assassinations. You have already called virtually every conservative person in America misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist bigots. Now you’re attempting to publicly lynch a man who has spent his life in the service of this country without providing a shred of actual evidence. In the short term, this tactic will energize the conservative base. In the long term it will destroy the character and believability of your party. For, to summarize Alexis de Tocqueville’s two volume work, Democracy in America:

“America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”


  1. Excellent as always!! However, I am beginning to think that Dr. Ford is being well-compensated for her involvement. I think the Dems are extremely concerned about losing Roe v. Wade. For example, if this was to happen, Planned Parenthood would no longer receive over $500 million a year in taxpayer money. How much would PPH be willing to pay to assure that Judge Kavanaugh is not nominated?

  2. If character lynching is observed in a basic confirmation hearing, within today’s govermental proceedings, which has as its purpose “seek to understand” then it must be remembered this is nothing new. Who was known in the past and present for lynching? Which political party founded the Klu Klux Klan? Does anyone remember their history? Do we remember that in the battle for civil rights both blacks and republicans suffered lynchings? Should we be surprised by those who live their lives by the maxim of “the Beast” (i.e. Aliester Crowley): “Do What Thou Wilt” and its adulterous sister maxim “No One Can Tell Me What To Do” that we see the “face of Leviathan” revealed since he “looks down upon the haughty, and is king over all that are proud.” Should we be surprised to see his character revealed in his disciples? What analytical data point is required bring to the light of our understanding the battle that is at hand? When our senators all agree that we are in a “political civil war” it is not rhetoric. It is a battle of ideas. One sadly where we see “truth bleeding in the streets”.
