Monday, October 8, 2018

Merrick Garland - The Question

I would appreciate your help in an unscientific survey, and I will be glad to share the results no matter what they are within two weeks of this post.

The question - In an effort to unite the country and reach out to Democrats, should President Trump add Merrick Garland to his list of potential Supreme Court Justices? Merrick Garland is the Circuit Court Judge who President Obama nominated for the Supreme Court, but was never considered because Mitch McConnell sighted the "Biden Rule" which suggests that the Senate should not entertain a Supreme Court Justice in a Presidential election year.

A simple "Yes" or "No" in your Facebook comments section or on my blog page will suffice. Add any other comments you like, but a yes or no is all I need. And as always, pass this link on to your friends and family to improve the reliability of the results.

Thank you, Kevin C


  1. No. The only reason I voted for a man like President Trump is to get women and men who uphold the constitution on the Supreme court and in our lower courts.

  2. No, No, NO. Unfortunately, your objective to "unite the country" by reaching out to democrats is a pipe dream. This latest Supreme Court ordeal with the Dems taking every extreme measure imaginable to disrupt and destroy the new Justice and President Trump is enough proof that the Dems and their flock have absolutely no interest to "unite". The Dems would rather sink their heads deeper in the hole they have dug for themselves and avoid acknowledging any good President Trump has accomplished since becoming President.

    1. Billy, should I count that as three votes? Or four? The last no was capitalized.

  3. H-E-double hockey sticks NO! I agree with Neil that this is one of the main reasons I voted for President Trump, if you give the liberals an inch they will take a mile and a half!!

    1. No- the Dema would figure out a way to overreact somehow

  4. No. The people need to vote to increase republican house and senate seats to send the message Democrat’s are out of touch.
