Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Prayerful President

A Prayerful President
The View from the Middle

As is appropriate, I think, this morning I was praying for President Trump as he prepared to deliver his remarks at the prayer breakfast. I wasn’t praying for a delivery like John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan or even a Barack Obama. I think I know Trump’s strengths and weaknesses well enough to accept that he is not as articulate as those great communicators. I was praying for wise and uniting words, and my prayers were answered.
He was actually humorous and gracious. He started by saying how wonderful this tradition is and was looking forward to coming back for seven more years, which brought laughter from the crowd. And for you “never Trumpers”, come on. If that had come from Obama, you would be falling all over yourselves with praise. Then he patted VP, Pence on the back by rating him a 12 on a scale of 1-10. He said that whenever people question him, they always look at his choice of Mike Pence and say, “He (Trump) must know what he’s doing.”
He showed his passion and respect for the military. He compared our soldiers to Christ when he quoted John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Powerful! He said the American soldier has no party or specific creed or ideology, but only embraces the bond of loyalty that links us all together as a nation of believers.
He defended religious freedom for all faiths that accept our values of liberty and equal opportunity for all. And probably his greatest line came as he talked about our great country’s connection and reliance on God. Specifically, he said, “As long as we have God, we are never alone. Whether it’s the soldier on the night watch, or the single parent on the night shift, God will always give us solace and strength and comfort.” Sorry to the atheists out there, but this is utterly appropriate for the prayer breakfast.
It was exactly what I had hoped for. It was positive. It was uniting and it was appropriate. Yet, at one point he slipped off the path for a few seconds as he took a little shot at Arnold Schwarzenegger and his ratings on The Apprentice. It was just a few seconds and may have been an inside joke with Arnold (Trump did say that we should pray for his ratings), but what was the headlines from CNN et al? “Trump takes shot at Arnold Schwarzenegger”. If these reports had been around in 1863 and heard Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, their headline would have been, “Lincoln doesn’t have much to say at Gettysburg”.
I didn’t like the “Lyin’ Ted” comments back during the campaign, and I didn’t like the “Cryin’ Chuck” comment the other day, but when Trump does something well, I will continue to point it out.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to contrast the current presidential comments with the previous president at the Prayer Breakfast where he re-stated what he said in his biography, "My faith is mixed with doubt, I consider my doubt a form of worship to God." I didn't realize that doubt and faith could co-exist at the same time and in the same sense? Nor did I realize that doubting someone could be equal to ascribing worth to that someone. Yet in this context I must remember the recent words of the NBC commentator on the day of the inauguration, "Obama paints in grey." I guess it is par for the course for a post-modern Christian. Oh that we would have leaders who could speak truth in black and white, and call things what they are...casting aside the pluralism and relativism which marks our age...exercising discernment and discrimination between what is right and wrong, and between what is good and evil. Let's pray that truth, who is bleeding in the streets, is restored to its proper place in the marketplace.
