Monday, January 30, 2017

The Trump Travel Ban

Trump’s Travel Ban
The View from the Middle

I was just watching The Five on Fox News and heard one of the great comments yet on the media’s reaction to Trump’s travel ban. Dana Perino compared the coverage of the Trump travel ban to the coverage of hurricane Katrina back in 2005. Her point was that the coverage was devastating and that the pictures of protesters and weeping passengers were so very compelling. The entire group just nodded their heads in agreement. But they all missed the point. Unfortunately, even Dana missed the real perspective she was bringing to this story.
In the Trump ban, 115 or so people were inconvenienced. I’m not suggesting that I don’t feel for those people. I’ve been stranded in airports, and I was not being questioned as a potential terrorist. I’m sure it was not fun. I was, however in Israel once and was vetted pretty aggressively. I made no complaints.
So, 115 people inconvenienced. Let me give you some of the statistics of the fallout from Katrina.

-1,833 deaths
-One Million people displaced
-108 Billion dollars in property damages

I could go on with the statistics, but please get the point. The media covered a minor inconvenience for 115 people, who, as of today, have been released and are on their merry way in America (oops, 2 people were sent back) with the same passion, volume and criticism as they did Katrina. Enough said. Just think about that.


  1. It's always nice to see facts. I'm curious what the facts are around the number of Syrian refugees whose resettlement is being delayed and how many people currently living (productively) in the US are now separated from family members - these seem to be the bigger issues where I'm hearing concerns. The sweeping judgments from Trump seem worrisome to me. He did not do a very good job of bringing the American people along with his decision making process and I think part of that was demonstrated in the timing of the implementation.

  2. Great Perspective, especially your last sentence. You must come from good stock!

  3. I, for one, don't really take issue with how the President implemented the temporary terrorist ban. He announced it months ago and yet we're surprised that he actually did it. He could've posted the date of when the ban would take place, listed the questions that were going to be asked and provided a hot meal but the liberal left would still be screaming foul! I've travelled to multiple countries and have been pulled aside countless times by heavily armed military and questioned mostly because of my bible! Desperate times call for desperate measures and when it comes to the safety and protection of Americans in America it's time.

    1. David, love these comments. Even laughed a little (provide a hot meal).
