Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Obama - Divider in Chief

Obama – The Natural
 The View from the Middle

Let me start this article by saying that I am sick of the negative, personal attacks that are so commonplace in politics today.  These assaults are usually opinions stated as fact or worse yet, total fiction like Harry Reid’s claim that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years.  And people use this technique purely for personal gain.  They want to be elected and couldn’t care less what affect this negativity has on our country, which I think is substantial.
This is why I am not a big fan of Donald Trump.  His reaction to criticism of his policies is often negative, personal and very divisive.  This might work for The Donald, but it is not good for the Republican Party or for the country.  But if we really want to talk about the king of negativity, we have to consider Barack Obama.  He’s a natural at it.
He recently mocked the Republican candidates for criticizing the CNBC moderators from last week’s debate.  Despite the fact that the moderators have been universally described as biased, partisan hacks that mismanaged almost every aspect of the debate, Obama suggested that their complaints showed that they couldn’t handle Putin or the Chinese once in office.  This is a perfect example of a non-substantive comment that means nothing, but will be effective if WE fall for it.
Remember, this is the guy and the party that wouldn’t even agree to have a debate on Fox News.  Who looks scared now?  And, he has been pushed around and outmaneuvered by Putin since he got in office.  At least Trump was actually able to get a concession from CNBC when they reduced the debate time to two hours from the planned three.  We gave Iran massive concessions and couldn’t even get our four imprisoned Americans released from Iranian jails.  THAT should have been a precondition to even talk about a nuclear deal.
But we shouldn’t be surprised about Obama’s habit of spewing negative, vitriolic rhetoric.  His mentor, teacher and patron saint is Saul Alinsky, and Obama runs his playbook at every opportunity.  Here is an exact quote from Saul’s book, Rules for Radicals.  It is his rule #5.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.  It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule.  Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

Read his book.  It is clear that Saul Alinsky has no idea how to manage or govern anything.  He only cares about acquiring power at any cost.  When that is your patron saint, it shouldn’t surprise us that Obama is great at dividing the country, pitting factions against each other in order to win elections, but then he fails miserably at governing once he is in office.  Once you use ridicule to get Americans to hate each other, it is impossible to bring them back together in order to accomplish anything.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Obama continues to ridicule Americans who disagree with him, even in the sunset of his Presidency.  He’s a natural.  It’s like criticizing a snake for striking.  But we, as Americans, need to see through this self-serving strategy and keep them out of public service.  By the way, there is another Saul Alinsky acolyte ridiculing for your vote, and that’s Hillary Clinton.  Ah!  It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?


  1. at this point I won't give that idiot 5 seconds of my time. He's never been for this country that I can see, he lies and lies and no one calls him on it .He has used the pulpit to poison the minds of young and old alike and the harm caused by himself and his party has yet to come in to focus and when it does we had all better grab our Bibles and hang on to our ass. I truly believe the next Presidential election will determine the fate of our country.I pray to the good Lord its not too late
