Monday, June 16, 2014

Heaven and Hell - Quick Thought

I've decided to start something new with my blog.  In addition to posting my columns, I've decided to try to post some shorter "quick thoughts" on at least a weekly basis.  Hope you enjoy.  Let me know if you do.

I was in church last Sunday and, not surprisingly, I started thinking about heaven and hell, but from an earthly perspective, the only one available to us.  I envisioned hell as a place devoid of God or totally bereft of what God is - goodness.  So I tried to imagine a place on earth without any goodness.  A place where selfishness abounds, lying is the norm and there is no trust and no kindness.  This place would truly deliver weeping and gnashing of teeth in.  But heaven is a place filled with God or goodness.  This would be a place where selflessness is the norm and evil does not even exist.  It is where compassion, honesty and truth are the norm.  It is a place where trust comes naturally and is constantly rewarded.

Is Washington becoming hell on earth?  And if it is, shouldn't we be trying to get the devil out of there? Think term limits!  It might not make it heaven, but it would change the demographics.

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