Man vs. The State – Truth vs. Deceit
The View
from the Middle
In 1946 a young lieutenant in the Navy reserve and veteran of WWII in
the Pacific gave a speech in Boston on Independence Day. He stressed that, “The right of the
individual against the State has ever been one of our most cherished political
principles.” This young man and war hero
was no other than John F. Kennedy.
This was a core belief that Kennedy embraced throughout his life, even
to his untimely death in Dallas. He
continually warned Americans that we must be ever vigilant not to consign our
“great problems to the all-absorbing hands of the great Leviathan – the state.” Kennedy believed in the power of the people
and the private sector to solve our problems.
Whether the problem is unemployment, poverty or health care he would
clearly caution us NOT to turn over control to the government. However, this is the fundamental problem we
are beginning to see with Obamacare.
The current website problem is truly only the tip of the iceberg. I was surprised by the absolute collapse of
the site. I’m assuming it will be fixed,
but it does begin to suggest what kind of service we might expect later as we
try to access services and confirm or question claims and payments. If you thought it was difficult dealing with
insurance companies before now, wait until you interject the government between
you and them. Let the nightmare begin.
As suggested above, the first real issue with Obamacare is one of
personal choice. The government will now
decide what coverage all Americans must carry.
All plans must include the 10 essential benefits outlined in the
law. That sounds great, right, until you
dig in a little.
My wife and I, for example, are over 60 and have no children at home,
yet we MUST carry Maternity and Pediatric coverage. What if we don’t want this coverage? Too bad!
We have no choice. This over-insuring
is needed, however, as part of the financial shenanigans essential to make this
plan work.
And when you hear the word “subsidy”, beware. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? We are lead to believe that insurance
companies are simply charging needy people less for their policies. Dream on.
“Subsidy” just means that taxpayer money (YOUR money) is being spent to
reduce these costs. Barack Obama isn’t
writing a personal check for these subsidies.
The government has no money of its own.
YOU are paying for these subsidies through your taxes. Let’s just be honest.
I also predict that there is much more disappointment to come in the
area of services. Since the government
does not have a profit incentive that requires it to be efficient and
innovative or go out of business, it will deliver what it has become famous for
delivering - high costs and poor services.
And don’t forget that you and I are the government’s sugar daddy.
The second real victim in this charade is “the truth”. For years the President has been saying, “if
you like your plan, you can keep it.
Period!” I have heard estimates
of 10 to 129 million people who will have their policies canceled as a result
of Obamacare regulations. This will make
it very difficult for these people to “keep” these plans.
He also promised that premiums would go down on average $2,500 a year,
yet logic and research have suggested quite the opposite is likely.
And now we have politicians who are actually defending this
dishonesty. Some admit that the
President lied, but suggest this is acceptable because it helped advance a
cause they support. At best, supporters
agree that he mislead America, but still give him a pass for the same
Are we really willing to accept this new lower standard where duplicity
is acceptable if it advances your cause.
What if lying advances “the other guy’s” cause? If we embrace deceit, greed and dependence
instead of truth, compassion and personal responsibility we will have a
fundamentally transformed America. Is
that the picture you envisioned when the President used those words during his
Finally, the reality is that this law may never have even passed if the
President had told the truth. In 1994,
Hillarycare never even got into committee because insurance companies ran ads
warning that many of Americans would lose their policies. Throw in honest projections of the costs and the
virtual elimination of choice, and I would guarantee it. I think this is a fair question for any
congressman or woman who voted for this law in 2010. Given what we know now would they vote for
the ACA today? I would hope they at
least have 20-20 hindsight!
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