Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hillary's Basket of Deplorables

Are You an Adorable Deplorable?
The View from the Middle

I’m confident that Hillary would put me in her “basket of deplorables” yet I don’t see myself as a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe or an Islamaphobe.  I’m concerned about illegal immigration, but that doesn’t make me a xenophobe.  I’m always amazed at the work ethic of Hispanic Americans and I am very pro legal immigration, especially for those who truly want to assimilate into the fabric that is America.  Yet, because I think differently from Hillary on this issue, she thinks I’m a xenophobe.
I’m also pro-life and for Hillary Clinton that makes me a sexist or a misogynist.  I have a wife that I love, two wonderfully successful daughters, two fantastic granddaughters and five sisters.  Does Hillary really think that I hate women?  Even our dog Sophie is a girl.  Remember also that half of the 1.2 million children who are aborted every year are baby girls.  Is trying to minimize abortion and saving hundreds of thousands of little girls every year sexist or misogynistic?  If so, I’m guilty.
I’m concerned about some of the refugees that are coming from countries like Syria and Iraq because ISIS has already told us that they intend to infiltrate the refugee stream.  In Hillary’s mind that makes me an Islamophobe.  Other than converting to Islam, is there a way for me to prove that I don’t hate or fear peace-loving Muslims in America and around the world?  Unfortunately, my concern puts me in Hillary’s basket.
I’m in favor of defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.  I understand that gay and lesbian couples want to commit to each other and would even like the same legal and tax benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy.  I’m good with that.  Just call it a civil union or a love contract or going steady.  I don’t care.  I just feel that marriage should continue to be between men and women.  This actually isn’t even a big deal to me, but Hillary thinks it makes me a homophobe.
Finally, I’m for school choice.  I would like every child of every family in America, White, Black, Hispanic or Asian, to have the same educational choices available to them that Chelsea, Hillary and Bill Clinton had when they were in the White House.  In fact, I would like them to have the same opportunity that I had for my children when they were growing up.  I think education and a strong families are keys to success in America.  Hillary Clinton doesn’t agree with me on this issue and she would suggest that this makes me a racist. 
My first thought as I contemplate Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” statement is that she vastly understated the number of deplorables there are in this country.  50% of this country, not just Trump voters, are pro-life.  70% are in favor of school choice that includes vouchers and 84% of Americans are in favor of more charter schools. Over 50% of the US is in favor of building a wall on our southern border and in delaying the refugee program from Syria and Iraq, while more Americans favor a traditional definition of marriage than oppose it.  Do the math.  This means that 98% of Americans support at least one of these deplorable positions. 

How can Hillary Clinton govern a populace that she holds in such low esteem?  Isn’t this the woman who’s campaign slogan is “We’re Stronger Together”?  Maybe it should be “Vote for Hillary, Even Though You Disgust Her”.  If you are part of the 98%, welcome!  To quote Donald Trump, Jr. – “I think she needs a bigger basket”.