Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Brexit?  How About Amer-Exit
The View from the Middle

Don’t let the delusional, out of touch pseudo-intellectuals fool you.  They will try to tell you that you don’t have a right to your own opinions.  They’ll tell you how to feel.  For example, if you are concerned that some of the people coming into our country everyday could be drug dealers, or rapists, or murderers or terrorists, then you are a xenophobe?  If you are concerned that these immigrants might be taking some American jobs or suppressing US wages, you’re a bigot.  And boy, did the “Brexit” vote in England take these establishment elitists by surprise. 
In the “Brexit” vote, all of the issues, concerns and feelings that the British were being told they shouldn’t have, came out.  Many Brits are concerned about the “open borders” policy being crammed down their throats by the EU ruling body.  They are concerned that many people are coming into their country not to assimilate and become British citizens, but to change England into a country of they won't recognize.  This is a problem all over Europe, but particularly in France and Belgium where Muslims, for example, have established “No Go” zones for the authorities of the host countries.  This is a legitimate issue.
The English people were also concerned about the costs associated with allowing so many refugees into their country.  The good immigrants are taking jobs that could go to British citizens, and the rest get support from the state, which then taxes the citizenry to fund their welfare state.  The clueless aristocrats in Britain told their people that they shouldn’t be concerned about that, but the British people let them know, through the Brexit vote, that they were concerned.
Finally, the British people were tired of the European Union Parliament telling them what to do.  Since 1996 the Council of the EU has overruled the British Parliament 55 times, which makes many Brits ask why they even have a Parliament.  Who knows England better, the Dutch, the Greeks, the Portuguese or the Brits themselves?
And the issues in America are identical.  There are many of us who are concerned about who is coming into the US and how many.  We are also concerned about the assimilation of those who say they want to be citizens of our great country.  I love this country with its freedom of speech, freedom of opportunity and its desire to continually improve.  I’m in favor of allowing millions of immigrants and or refugees in, as long as they accept our laws, our constitution and our liberty.  I don’t want Sharia law here and especially if you are a woman or a member of the LGBT community, I suspect you don’t either.
We need to know who is coming in to keep us safe, but also to keep us prosperous.  We want immigrants who want to work, and we would love those jobs to be accretive to the US economy.  We also need to manage the wages of Americans, so who comes in and how many should be important to us all.
We even share Britain’s exasperation over losing control of its own destiny.  For the English people, it is the Parliament of the EU that has usurped authority.  In America it is the Federal Government.  The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution reserved all powers not specifically delegated to the Federal Government to be given to the states, or to the people.  Yet, Washington continues to jam unpopular laws and regulations down our throats that many of us believe should be decided at the state level.  The minimum wage, environmental regulations and education are just a few examples of where the Federal Government has forced a “one size fits all” approach to issues that should be decided at the state and local levels.
So, don’t let the delusional, out of touch pseudo-intellectuals take away your right to think for yourself.  If you have some of the issues I’ve outlined above, you aren’t a bigot or an idiot.  You are just a normal thinking person.  The Brits have finally stood up and said, “ENOUGH”. Since we are their international cousins, is it surprising that we would have similar concerns?

And finally, while I am not a huge Trump fan, I can tell you that this is why he is so popular.  The establishment in Washington has been enriching themselves for years and ignoring all of us – white, black, Hispanic, men, women and children.  And now the elites are shocked at the popularity of a man who wants to blow up Washington and start over.  It just shows how arrogant, ignorant and oblivious they can be.

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