Sunday, March 13, 2016

Free Speech for All, Even Donald Trump

Free Speech for All, Even Donald Trump
The View from the Middle

I don’t know how many articles I can start with this statement, but I am NOT a Donald Trump supporter, yet I continue to find myself defending him.  I’m tired of his 3rd grade tactics, calling his opponents “Little Marco” and “Lying Ted”.  What does that mean, anyway?  But I’m also sickened as I watch Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals being executed with manipulative, surgical precision to deprive him and his supporters of their fundamental rights of free speech.
Saul Alinksy, who was Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mentor, was a hired agitator of the first order.  Mr. Alinsky specialized in shifting power from one group to another, but had no idea what to do with that power once his clients achieved it.  He was a divider, a creator of hate, animosity, havoc and disorder.  So as you see his rules being executed, it should reflect on the tormentor (, not the target (Donald Trump). 
So that you can recognize Mr. Alinsky’s vicious, dehumanizing tactics when you see them being executed, let me layout a couple of his favorite tactics which are currently being used against Mr. Trump.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. 
Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.

It is “rule 13” that is generating the mayhem at Mr. Trump’s rallies, and we should all be denouncing these tactics whether they were being used to silence Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders.  I personally disagree with much of what Bernie Sanders professes, yet I will defend to the death his right to express them.
In my opinion, Mr. Alynsky was a slime ball, hired gun who couldn’t care less who his clients were or what their causes were.  He wanted power first and foremost for himself.  If you think there were any noble purposes behind his efforts, remember that he dedicated his book to Satan.  Yes!  Satan!
Cruz, Rubio and Kasich should be ashamed of themselves for blaming this violence on Trump.  This is political expediency at its worst.  If Marco Rubio really believes in not abandoning his “principles, he should be defending Trump and condemning the rioters.  It is not the Trump supporters creating the mayhem, it is the hired, professional demonstrators.  They want to prevent him from delivering his message and deny people their right to hear it.  These tactics should outrage every American.
 Savagery is exactly what these goons want.  It is their intent to create it, so when it happens, we must all know who to credit.  There are legal ways to make your opposition known, but preventing someone else his or her right to express theirs is not one of them. has openly claimed responsibility for the violent disruption of Trump’s rally in Chicago.  They have also endorsed Bernie Sanders in this primary campaign.  Will Bernie Sanders disavow their actions?  Will he return any money received by the organization or its members?  Let’s see if Bernie really cares about everyone or if he believes he has more rights than Donald Trump!!


  1. I loved your response to the disruption of Trump's rally in Chicago. The Cruz / Rubio comments were very disappointing. We can only hope a very large silent majority are paying attention and will vote. Keep sending your message, there are too many uninformed people in our voting pool.

    1. Thanks, Unknown. I'll keep calling them as I see them.

  2. Well stated Kevin. Yes, the Alinksy tactics up-front and personal. I will hedge my bets that Sanders will not disavow himself from move.on and definitely not return any monies. Remember, as a socialist....okay democratic socialist, the "modus of operandi" is to take, tax, receive and redistribute as they see fit. I'm not holding my breath!

  3. I'm embarrassed that I don't know about Mr. Alinsky. Can you tell us more about his connection with Hillary Clinton?
