Sunday, October 24, 2021

Condoleezza Rice Nails It

 The View from the Middle 

Who would have thought that real truth, wisdom and conservative brilliance would be delivered from Whoopi Goldberg and “The View”, the blatantly liberal talk show that drove Megan McCain to tears before she decided she had to leave to save her sanity and any semblance of self-esteem.  But Condoleezza Rice, the first black, woman Secretary of State under George W. Bush and brilliant author and professor at Stanford University, wasn’t afraid to speak truth and common sense on that show as she condemned Critical Race Theory to the totally biased hosts of that show.

Condi Rice made the case that CRT should never be taught in Public or any schools because their teachings are bigoted and racist.  But don’t take my word for it.  Here are the exact words that she boldly delivered to Whoopi and her ultra-liberal audience.


“One of the worries that I have about the way that we’re talking about race is that it either seems so big that somehow White people now have to feel guilty for everything that happened in the past – I don’t think that’s very productive - or Black people have to feel disempowered by race.”  Then, she added, “I would like Black kids to be completely empowered, to know that they are beautiful in their Blackness, but in order to do that I don’t have to make White kids feel bad for being White.”


Often, brilliance is wrapped in simplicity, and Condi demonstrated that dramatically on The View.  Her simplicity, her intelligence and her personal experience as she grew up with real discrimination, make it difficult to argue against her analysis and conclusion.

As if to supply an exquisite example of what Condi Rice was denouncing, a Virginia gubernatorial debate delivered it.  Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat candidate for governor in Virginia, said during that debate that, “(he was) not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions.”  Just a few seconds later he added, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”  As you might imagine, parents in Virginia exploded with their disagreement, which has put that governor’s race up for grabs.  

Finally, in an attempt to silence parents from voicing their displeasure with their curriculum, the National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter to Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, comparing involved parents to “domestic terrorists”.   While they (the NSBA) have since apologized to their members for that characterization, they have not apologized to the parents nor has Merrick Garland rescinded his order to use the FBI and other Justice Department assets to investigate school board meetings.  Let’s be frank, even the mere presence of FBI agents would discourage parents from attending those meetings.

And now that CRT has been exposed as a racist curriculum and ideology, some have just attempted to change the name to something they hope parents won’t recognize.  As with most of these racist, bigoted groups, they try to use positive words and descriptions in their names to fool the public.  Remember that the NAZI party was actually named the National Socialist Workers Party.  Sounds like its biggest goal was to stand up for workers’ rights.  I guess “Gassing the Jews” didn’t market test as well.  And I’ve written about Black Lives Matter.  Those words are great, but I certainly wouldn’t support an organization that advocates the destruction of the nuclear family and America’s capitalist economic system or the belief that all white people are irredeemably racist just because of their skin color.  

So, when CRT was exposed, their followers just changed the name to DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), which is now being pushed in Fayetteville, Arkansas and across the US.  Again, those words sound so great, don’t they!?  But DEI is just as awful as CRT.  DEI includes training for white people to embrace their “Implicit Bias”.  This implies that all white people are racists and bigots and they can’t help themselves for being so.  If also suggests that there are no prejudice or biased Black people.  Oh really?  How about Louis Farrakhan?  This is exactly what Condoleezza is warning against. As William Shakespeare said in Romeo and Juliet, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  Or in this case, stink as badly.

It doesn’t matter what party you support, what gender you claim or what color your skin is, we should all should declare our disdain for any ideology that suggests that you should be judged by the color of your skin.  We should reject any group that tells us that we are all designated as oppressors or victims at birth and we can’t avoid the emasculation that comes with that.  To paraphrase Condi Rice, Black kids should feel proud and empowered in their Blackness and the same should go for White kids.

I encourage everyone to defy the Terry McAuliffe’s and the NSBA’s of the world and get involved in your children’s educations to eliminate social engineering and increase their academic readiness for life in the future of our world.  There is a nation-wide organization called “Mom’s for Liberty” that is dedicated to that goal.  I encourage you to check them out, but more importantly, I encourage you to get involved.


  1. As usual you nailed my friend. Well done.


    1. Kerry, Thanks buddy. It's hard to argue with Condi Rice! YTM

  2. Well said, Brother! Be Blessed!


    1. Bobby, as always - YTM. Thanks for the encouragement. Tough loss by the Cards on Saturday!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kevin, I have largely given up hope, seeing America as having been destroyed and seeing the USA as having moved into a dystopia that is ruled by totalitarian oligarchs where there is no regard for civil rights as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. Especially because of that, I appreciate your words: You seem to see that there may still be a glimmer of hope.

    1. Alice, I really do. I compare Covid-19 to the story of Joseph in the Bible who was sold into slavery in Egypt. When his brothers had to come to Egypt during the famine to see that Joseph had risen to second in command behind Pharaoh himself, Joseph said, "you meant it for bad (selling him into slavery) but God meant it for good.

      During the pandemic, when kids stayed home from school and did remote learning, parents began to hear what the teachers were telling their kids and were outraged. This has exposed the elitist, racist, bigoted ideology of the fanatical left and awakened the massive silent majority of Americans who are now getting involve on School Boards, local elections and even business. I haven't had a Coke in over a year and my life is even better for it. The good people in America outnumber the evil (probably 90-10) and they will overcome! The Pandemic and the fanatical left meant it for bad, but God meant it for good.

      God bless you, Alice and I encourage you to get involved!!

    2. These fever dreams, all to serve a man who basically would sell all of you out for $1, are really something else.

    3. Who the heck are you talking about?

    4. The GOP base's susceptibility to marketing.

    5. Mine was a simple question. Who the heck are you talking about? You talked about "a man" who would sell us out for a dollar. Who are you talking about?

  5. I always, always admire the GOP marketing machine for being able to generate mountains out of molehills, especially on race. CRT is the latest in a long list of accomplishments.

    1. No, the GOP created it as a marketing tool. Otherwise it would still be just another college level concept to examine history and current events. That's all it really is.

      Again, I appreciate the skill. The GOP currently stands for so little in terms of political principles. It has to stir up something like this and if it can include race and academia, then that's perfect. They brought it along slowly then blew it up at the right time.

    2. Matt, if you think CRT is a "college level" course "offered" to students who want to understand that perspective, you are delusional. It is being taught from K-12. Look it up. And at that point it is not an elective. It is mandatory, and imagine telling a six year old white kid that he or she is evil and an oppressor and telling a six year old black child that he or she is a victim. That is what Condi Rice is talking about and condemning. I'm with Condi Rice.

    3. " It is being taught from K-12. "

      Look it up? It's your argument. All you've got is a couple isolated incidents, which according to you don't count. Seems like a double standard.

      You can be on the same page with all the Stanford professors you want. What she said is true - we don't need to teach 7-10 year olds this, and luckily we're really not in 99.9% of the cases. This is a college level way of looking at things, maybe AP high school english. And there's nothing wrong with that.

      I don't understand why people are so afraid of high school upperclassmen and adults learning alternative perspectives. The CRT hysteria crowd seems awfully, what's the word the GOP likes to use -- oh yeah, snowflakey.

    4. Matt, you are being delusional. There are stacks of books that are even being used in K-3. Have your read "Not My Idea". Here's just a couple of quotes - "Racism is a white person's problem" oh really? "Whiteness is a bad deal" which suggests that being white is a deal with the devil. It references "hands up don't shoot" multiple times which we all know is a lie. It is a one-sided, negative view of history which ignores the progress that has been made in this country over the last 200 years and particularly in the last 60 years.

      If I was a white kid, I would feel awful about myself, even though I haven't done anything wrong. If I was a black kid, I would hate white people. What a great message and result. Here's a link and you can listen to the entire book.

    5. "There are stacks of books that are even being used in K-3."

      There are approx. 100,000 public school districts in the United States. How many teach CRT and at what level? If all you've got is a few anecdotes, then you're using the same logic you tell me shouldn't be used.

      Wait - your whole theory is based on one book? That you don't even know is part of the curriculum in any schools? Surely you're joking. I cited you to books that are part of state approved school curriculums and you dismissed it as "isolated incidents to try and make a point."

    6. I mentioned three books, not one "Not My Idea" - "Woke Baby" and "How to be an Anarchist". The moms in the video said there are "stacks". I believe them and if you really want the truth, look up that information yourself with an open mind.

  6. That said, when a man is wrong he should admit it. I was wrong and here’s proof:

    1. Matt, that is big of you to admit it, Really !! But there are way more than "a few" schools teaching this, and beware of a name change to DEI that delves in the same racist foundations.

    2. You should probably check the link before commenting.

    3. I did, and he can dwell on isolated instances to try to make a point, and I'm not sure what that point is. Maybe it is that we should have school choice so that people can decide for themselves where they send their children and they could avoid that kind of teaching, which is minimal in my opinion.

      But CRT or DEI are everywhere today and that is not only in schools but it is being spewed by corporate America by big companies like Coca Cola, Walmart and Google.

      And let us all agree that both CRT and DEI teaches the LIE that all white people are racists and bigots and can't help themselves and don't deserve anything they have achieved because of their privilege. And, that includes YOU, Matt.

      I'm sticking with Condi Rice and Thomas Sowell who condemn that teaching and favor a true teaching of history and support an effort to simply educate our children and to bring our children together. Also, you should read WEB Dubois who suggested that every black and white family can erase the effects of prejudice in just one generation, and that is what we should be focusing on instead of hatred and division.

    4. " he can dwell on isolated instances to try to make a point,"

      You just described the entire "basis" for the CRT outrage in one phrase! You're getting it now!

      "Maybe it is that we should have school choice "

      Sounds magical. Let me know when it works anywhere but major cities with public transport.

      "But CRT or DEI are everywhere"

      Has the definition of "everywhere" changed?

      "And let us all agree that both CRT and DEI"

      How about you define the terms first, with citations to something other than GOP email blasts.

      "true teaching of history and support an effort to simply educate our children and to bring our children together."

      A true teaching of history isn't about "bringing our children together." It's about educating them. History has uncomfortable, ugly moments because it involves humans, and humans are sinful creatures. You don't want history taught if you don't want to acknowledge that. You're wanting myths taught.

    5. Matt, How do YOU define "everywhere"? And if you are going to hold me to some sort of literal standard when using that word, then you have to do that with every politician and every person who uses that word or the word "every" or "all" or "never" or "always". Have you every used those words.

      Go out and survey your friends and find out how many of them are not aware of CRT. They might not be aware of DEI because it is the new version of CRT now that liberals are fleeing from CRT saying that it is not being taught or that it doesn't even exist.

      You can call it CRT or DEI or rainbows and lollipops - as long as it teaches that all white people are all oppressors and all black people are victims and that all problems were caused by white men, that is not teaching history. That is a teaching a perverted opinion on our history. There are good and bad aspects to our history and to ignore either is wrong. And I don't know of anyone who is opposed to teaching true and total history in our schools. If you know of any Republican politician who is opposed to teaching history in our schools, let me know who they are. You won't find any.

      And if you want to continue to disagree with two genius black people who have lived through the 40's, 50's and 60's in America (Thomas Sowell and Condoleezza Rice) you have the right to do that, but I'm going to listen to them and the millions of Americans who reject the idea that we should judge people by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character.

  7. "Matt, How do YOU define "everywhere"?"

    - You said they were everywhere. It was your term, so I'm trying to figure out what is everywhere? For example, I have kids in three different schools in Fayetteville. Not one of them is using it. It's not taught in my office, or the offices of any of my clients to my knowledge. So obviously it's not "everywhere" so I'm trying to understand what you meant. Being "Aware" of something is not the same as utilizing it. I'm aware of the KKK, I'm not a member nor are their teachings part of my daily life.

    "You can call it CRT or DEI or rainbows and lollipops - as long as it teaches that all white people are all oppressors and all black people are victims and that all problems were caused by white men, that is not teaching history."

    Again, I ask of the 100,000 or so public school districts, for how many is this part of the curriculum?

    "There are good and bad aspects to our history and to ignore either is wrong."

    Obviously. As far as Republicans who are opposed to teaching true and total history, you give away the game with that phrasing. It tells me you haven't actually read the bills they've proposed. Here's the Oklahoma bill. Tell me if you see anything problematic with it:

    "And if you want to continue to disagree with two genius black people"

    I think you should take another look at what Ms. Rice said. She never actually even used the term "CRT." It was just bland broad statements. I also find it interesting that you agree with, and consider "genius," only those black people who agree with notions you already held. Do you see the problem with that?

    1. Matt,
      Fayetteville school district has a six year contract with a company to provide DEI training and measurements and they are in year three, and you don't even know about it. Does that scare or bother you.

      Of course I'm going to use genius black people who support my position, and it doesn't bother me at all. And what I have noticed is that black support for my position (opposing CRT, DEI, Intersectionality) is growing. Her are some voter results:

      McCain 4% of black vote
      Romney 6% of black vote
      Trump v Hillary 8% of black vote
      Trump v Biden 12% of black vote
      Youngkin v McAuliffe 14% of black vote (and 54% of Hispanic vote)

      and here's a link to the source of this information.

      If you want to argue with Condoleezza Rice and Thomas Sowell who are both black and geniuses and have lived through the 40's, 50's and 60's go ahead, but you'll lose that argument. And while Condi didn't mention CRT by name, she referenced their guiding principle which is to condemn white people, even children as young as 5 years old for all the problems in the black community. I can tell you for sure that my 6 year old grandson is not part of the problem. HE is actually part of the continuation of the solution.

    2. Wow this matt guy seems like a lot of fun. Just kidding he sucks
