Thursday, September 30, 2021

On Biden, McAuliffe and Covid

 Biden – No Room Under the Bus

The View from the Middle


It didn’t take long for our top military leaders to start throwing people under the Afghan withdrawal bus, including our President Joe Biden.  Remember, back on August 18th, George Stephanopoulos asked President Biden a very straight forward question.  George asked, “So no one told – your military advisors did not tell you, ‘No, we should keep 2,500 troops.  It’s been a stable situation for the last several years.  We can do that.  We can continue to do that?”  And the President answered, “No!  No one said that to me that I can recall.”

But in front of both the Senate and House Arm Services Committees all three of Joe Biden’s top military advisors testified that they had not only given the President that advice, but that he had heard it.  Generals Milley and McKenzie swore they had given that advice, and Secretary of Defense Austin confirmed that the President had heard it.  I’m sure Joe will stay in the Whitehouse basement until his staff comes up with a plausible, market tested line of BS to explain his answer, but it will not be easy given the nature of the question and answer.

Then, all three leaders basically admitted that all of the really tragic, poor decisions in Afghanistan were driven by troop level limitations that had been forced upon them by Joe Biden.  They said that Biden had limited them to 650 troops which wouldn’t allow them to keep control of the Bagram air base.  That was a huge strategic and tactical mistake.  General McKenzie also confirmed that the Taliban offered to give us complete control of the entire city of Kabul during the evacuation.  This would have made it American checkpoints that evacuees had to pass through and would have eliminated the chaos that resulted under Taliban control.  He, however, didn’t even consider it because it couldn’t be accomplished with the troop limitations given to him by the President.

Finally, when asked why they didn’t consider starting the civilian evacuation sooner, Secretary Austin threw the State Department under the bus to keep Joe company.  Austin simply said that the timing of the civilian withdrawal was a State Department decision.  Maybe this was all a way to avoid any accountability for the colossal failure that the withdrawal for Afghanistan was, but it certain is getting crowded under that bus!


McAuliffe – Parents, Shut Up and Get in Line!

The View from the Middle


The new definition for a “Freudian Slip” is when a politician accidently tells the truth to the public.  Well, Terry McAuliffe made a huge “foot-in-mouth” – “Freudian Slip” during Tuesday night’s gubernatorial debate in Virginia.  He actually said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”  There are several problems with that statement.  First, almost all parents in this country and particularly in Virginia, disagree with that idea.  The second problem is that McAuliffe sent his four kids to a $40,000 a year private school, where his wife chaired the trustee board AND he vetoed three bills that would have expanded school choice in the state of Virginia when he was last governor.

So, let me get this right.  McAuliffe has a “choice” as to where his kids go to school, and he and his wife have a huge impact on what is taught there, but he doesn’t want those same rights to apply to you and me or any other parent in Virginia.  That sounds a lot like “Rules for Thee, But Not for Me”.  My fear is that this is what the entire Democrat Party believes.  So, if you vote for these guys, get ready to “shut up and get in line!”


Politicians Will Take Credit for Covid Trends

The View from the Middle


Here’s some good news on the Covid-19 front.  According to the Washington Post daily Covid tracker, cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all going down across the country.  Through yesterday’s results, cases are down 12.7%, hospitalizations are down 9.4% and deaths are down 4.7%.  Cases have been going down steadily for almost a month now. 

I tell you this for three reasons.  First, all the college football games have not turned out to be the “super-spreader” events that fearmongers have promised, so be responsible, but go out and enjoy life.  Second, these results could not have been caused by the vaccine mandates that are being forced on the public by our politicians.  This positive direction began before any vaccine mandate was issued.

Finally, I want to warn you that politicians will try to take credit for this recent (and I hope final) decline by claiming that the vaccine mandates caused it.  You need to remember that is NOT true.  This decline predates any mandate.  However, here is the politicians’ plan.  If they are always doing something – anything, then when this virus finally goes away (nothing lasts forever) then they can claim credit for something that was going to happen anyway.  That’s a very sophisticated form of lying, but then again, that’s what they are really good at!


  1. 1. GOP needs to get its story straight on following military advice. You guys are all over the place. Also, "colossal" has a meaning. By applying it to this you're devaluing it.

    2. Parents don't get to tell the schools what they should teach. The State Depts. of Education and districts dictate curriculums. This isn't news, though the outrage machine is in full swing trying to make it news. It's been this way for decades, for better or worse.

    3. After four years of giving Donald Trump full credit for a worldwide economic boom that began under Obama now you're wanting everyone to be cautious about politicians taking laps for things beyond their control? Might want to practice what you preach. Besides, you should give Trump some credit for the decline - he certainly was part of the implementation of Operation Warp Speed.

    The decline does not predate employer mandates.

    1. Matt,
      1. So you think Biden, Milley, Austin and McKenzie did a wonderful job in evacuating Afghanistan. You do not reflect the general feeling in this country. According to a CBS poll, 74% of Americans believe the evacuation was handled poorly. You can't keep excusing Biden and the Dems because the Republicans made mistakes in the past. Dems are up to bat and they are blowing it all over the place; Afghanistan, the southern border, Inflation, move to socialism and authoritarianism (Do as I say, not as I do. Rules for thee, but not for me." He dividing a country that he promised to unite.

      2. Parents DO have the opportunity to influence what schools teach. There is the PTA and then there are school boards and FINALLY we should have school choice with vouchers for parents. If parents don't like what a school is teaching, they should be able to move their kids to places they do like. McAuliffe had the choice, because he's loaded and also had his wife chair the trustee board. I want all parents to have the same choice that I had and Obama had and Clinton had without costing them an arm and a leg. Vouchers make that "choice" possible and that's the ultimate in telling schools what they should teach. You are also way behind the country on this issue too. 74% of Americans now support school choice (just a coincidence that is the same number as Afghanistan withdrawal) while only 16% oppose. That's an almost 5 to 1 advantage.

      3. Under Obama? Obama clearly said that many of the things that Trump did, like GDP growth, manufacturing jobs growth, average income growth was impossible. He also lead the slowest growth rate in our economy after a recession in our history. I don't even understand you last point.

      Finally, don't just make statements you just hope are right. The Federal vaccine mandate was announced on Sept. 9th, but unfortunately for Joe, the decline in cases started a week earlier - AND - It would have to be in place for months before it even had a chance to make an impact, which it didn't.

    2. 1. "You do not reflect the general feeling in this country."

      This has never bothered me.

      "You can't keep excusing Biden and the Dems because the Republicans made mistakes in the past."

      The historical death rate in undertakings the size of the Afghanistan evacuation has nothing to do with whether Repubs or Dems were president. Neither would recognize their current parties anyway.

      " Afghanistan, the southern border, Inflation, move to socialism and authoritarianism "

      This is such a silly statement. Us getting out of Afghanistan is popular across both parties, however much you may want to make hay over the evacuation, the result is broadly popular.

      There is always a problem at the southern border (remember the caravans?) caused by a bipartisan unwillingness to implement the processes YOU champion.

      Move to socialism? Huh? Everything is socialism until it's a GOP idea. Enough with that silliness. Authoritarianism? Are you serious?

      Inflation - now there's an interesting one - what would you have us do different? And how would your policies reduce inflation? Or did you think the bipartisan debt fueled boom was not going to have consequences?

      2. here is the PTA and then there are school boards and FINALLY we should have school choice with vouchers for parents.

      The PTA does not influence curriculum. Vouchers are largely irrelevant to Arkansas. School boards are it, and most of the loudest complainers now would never take the time and do the unpaid work of serving on a school board. It's tedious and time consuming.

      "If parents don't like what a school is teaching, they should be able to move their kids to places they do like. "

      They can if there's room in Arkansas. They'll find state standards are basically followed all across the state.

      You can go on and on about vouchers, but they're truly irrelevant to our state except for relatively wealthy people in NWA and Little Rock.

      3. The growth rate was the same under Trump. His economic growth rate was average historically as well, despite exploding our deficit. Is that an economic record you cheer for?

      "unfortunately for Joe, the decline in cases started a week earlier "

      Why is that unfortunate for Joe? We all win if COVID is reduced. You have to stop with the zero sum game of politics.

  2. Kevin, I appreciate your comments greatly. You see how ghastly things are and state them honestly, but you have a calmness that says, "We will survive."

    And, take heart: Your writing is good enough that you've got your very own far leftist fascist who comes to tell us that damnable leftists are wonderful and have not caused so much horrible damage. And, he even does it anonymously.

    Alice Beard (grew up in Mishawaka in the '50s and '60s)

    1. The idea that someone who believes in limited government, balanced budgets, and maximum individual freedom like I do is a "far leftist fascist" is telling about how off the rails the Republican Party has gone.

      But if you want my name and address I'm happy to provide it. In fact, I'm so anonymous I had lunch with Kevin recently. Next time come join!

  3. Thank you, Alice. And I do believe we will survive all of this insanity. There is too much good in America, and as the silent majority actually figures out what is going on, it will rise up and turn us back around. You can't hide evil, hypocrisy, fear-mongering and pure hate for long before regular Americans reject it.

    Thanks for your comments. Were you a Caveman (Mishawaka High School) or a Marian Knight (the catholic high school) or did you leave before HS?

  4. Kevin, I was a Caveman. Class of '68. A long, long time ago. Another Mishawaka High grad turned me on to your writing, and I appreciate it.

  5. Ken you don't walk talk. You know!
