Thursday, July 15, 2021

How Many Big Lies Are There

The View from the Middle

The lamestream media would like us all to believe that there is only one “Big Lie” being told in America, but even that “Big Lie” has been ill-defined and unproven.  Donald Trump continues to suggest that the 2020 election was stolen from him and many Americans are concerned that the temporary changes that many states made in their election laws in response to the pandemic led to an unusual amount of voter fraud.  Those are actually two different things.  I personally don’t know of anyone who believes that the 2020 election can be reversed, but the audits in Arizona and Georgia have already uncovered irregularities in their voting results and Pennsylvania will soon launch their audit which will give us some more data on the level of voter fraud in that state.  The Democrats have fought these audits in the courts, but I’m unsure as to why.  These audits will identify improper voting actions and will only improve voter integrity in our country.  I’m not sure what the Democrats are afraid of, but questioning some of last year’s voting practices is not a “Big Lie”.  It is simply an effort to increase voter integrity.

Washington, however, is the home of “Big Lies”.  Let me take this opportunity to remind you of just a few.  The first “Big Lie” is that Republicans are actually behind the “Defund the Police” movement because they didn’t support President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.  There was $350 billion for state and local governments in that bill that Jen Psaki said “could be used” to hire more police.  There was, however, no suggestion and certainly no mandate that this money should be used to support the police.  I believe that this money was really intended to allow liberal run cities to balance their books after years of pathetic and even criminal financial mismanagement.  Even the ultra-liberal Washington Post gave Ms. Psaki and the Biden administration three Pinocchio’s for that accusation.  

Hunter Biden alone is responsible for a mountain of “Big Lies” all by himself.  First, there’s the “Big Lie” that he actually deserved his position on the Burisma board because of his knowledge and expertise in the energy industry and his familiarity with Ukraine.  The next “Big Lie” is that his father, Joe, had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings in China or Ukraine.  Sure!  Then there was Hunter’s laptop that wasn’t his laptop and is now being ignored for the media.  And now we are to believe that Hunter’s art, which he blows through a straw (isn’t that how da Vinci did it?), is worth $500,000 per piece.  But, of course we can’t ask who buys his amateurish, splashes of color for those exorbitant prices.  Certainly, those buyers wouldn’t expect access to the current President of the United States, would they?  Hunter is a bundle of “Big Lies” all by himself.

Then there was the insurrection that wasn’t actually an insurrection.  The protesters weren’t even armed despite the fact that President Biden said they would need F-15’s and nuclear bombs to take over our government.  The Senate was back in session within four hours and the only person killed was an unarmed Trump supporter.  Also, a big lie within a big lie was that police officer Brian Sicknick was beat to death with a fire extinguisher by a Trump supporter. It took 30 days to confirm that officer Sicknick actually died the next day of a stroke. By that time most people couldn’t even remember who Brian Sicknick was.  A lie followed by the delay of truth.  Man, these people really know how to deceive.

All of this is just a distraction from what happened last summer as rioters tore through cities across this nation looting, destroying and killing people.  Those riots inflicted over $2 billion of damage in blue cities across the country and at least 25 people were killed including six children.  I don’t know if we should call the coverage of these riots by the lamestream media a “Big Lie” or a “Big Rationalization”, but to compare January 6th to this is journalistic malfeasance.  

Here’s a quickie.  The lamestream media will try to tell us that there is nothing wrong with Joe Biden’s mental acuity.  The reality is that he is nearly 80 years old (he’s 78) and he is showing all the signs of his age.  He is constantly using note cards to remind him of what to say.  Even during photo-ops with Putin and during press conferences, which also reveals that he knows the questions before they are asked.  He stumbles through speeches even on the teleprompter, he often responds to reporters in inappropriate anger and what is it with this creepy whispering thing.  This is something the media should be investigating, but that is not going to happen unfortunately.

Even “The Big Lie” is a “Big Lie”.  The media continues to allow Democrat politicians to compare the new voting laws in Georgia and Texas to the Jim Crow laws that were abolished almost 60 years ago.  They, the media, allow Democrats to demonize those who support these laws as racists and bigots without offering any specific examples of how these laws suppress voters.  In both Georgia and Texas, access to the polls has actually been expanded vs pre-pandemic requirements.  Even the Washington Post gave Joe Biden four Pinocchio’s for his suggestion that Georgia’s new law suppressed voting access there.

And if you think that voter ID is the issue, you would be wrong.  A recent Rasmussen survey found that 75% of Americans are in favor of voter ID and there is almost no difference between black and white voters on this issue.  In fact, most black Americans find it insulting to suggest that they are less capable of getting a photo ID to vote.

And maybe the biggest lie of all is that Joe Biden intends to unite our country.  He continually demonizes anyone who disagrees with him.  Calling virtually half of Americans racists and bigots is easy, but not uniting.  It requires no proof and actually shuts down any discussion that might lead to compromise.  A few months ago, President Biden stooped to calling Governor Abbott of Texas a “Neanderthal” for opening up that state’s economy.  Since that time Texas has consistently outperformed almost all other states, even California and New York.  When the President apologizes to Governor Abbott, I will consider that a small glimmer of hope that he actually intends to unite this country.  Unfortunately, I think his plan looks more like “divide and conquer” than unity and prosperity.


  1. How do I get a notice when you make new posts, Kevin?

  2. Just the kitchen sink of GOP talking points in this one, huh?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
