Monday, December 7, 2020

Joe Biden's 100 Day Lie

 Joe Biden’s 100 Day Lie

The View from the Middle


Joe Biden just put out a statement that says that after his inauguration he is going to ask the country to wear a mask for 100 days, as if that will finally put an end to this dreaded virus.  This is incredibly misleading in a number of ways.  First, this suggests that no one in the United States is wearing a mask today.  Unfortunately for Joe, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.  According to a UPI article written October, 23rd, 93% of Americans already wear masks sometimes, often or always.  The same article revealed that 72% of Americans already “always” wear a mask.  Does Joe Biden actually think that he can drive those numbers up just by asking Americans to wear masks?  Of course not.  This is just his attempt to take credit for something that is going to happen anyway.

If you have been following any of the news shows lately, they have been showing that virtually every virologist and doctor on TV has been predicting that this virus will be under control by May or June in the United States.  This is because of a combination of herd immunity and the new vaccine which will begin to be delivered in the United States by the end of December, thanks to President Trump.

So, what is “herd immunity’ anyway? Herd Immunity is when a large part of a country’s population is infected by a disease, such as a virus, and survives it and thus becomes immune to it.  In effect, herd immunity gives a virus nowhere to go.  Everywhere it looks it finds immunity.

Back in June, the CDC said that the actual infection rate for Covid-19 might be 10 times as high as the published infection number because so many people have had mild symptoms or even have been asymptomatic and thus have not even been tested.  If this is true then today over 150 million Americans have already had this virus and survived, meaning that they have the antibodies and are thus immune to it.  That is almost half of the country’s population.  The CDC also suggested that we would reach herd immunity for covid-19 in the US when 70% of our population has had the virus.  We’re not far off that number right now.  

Now, there are two ways to become immune to this virus.  First, you can get it, as I did, and survive.  At that point you have acquired the antibodies and are thus immune to the disease.  The second way to become immune is to get the vaccine, which, in effect does the same thing.  Now, let’s do a little projecting.  If we have roughly 50% herd immunity now, what if we have 50 million more Americans get infected and survive by May? (remember, the survival rate is roughly 99.8%).  Plus, what if we have 30 to 50 million Americans get the vaccine by May, as projected?   That will get us to that 70% to 75% herd immunity number by May or June.

Joe Biden knows that most experts are already projecting a dramatic decrease if not a complete demise of this disease by May or June, which is exactly 100 days after Joe Biden’s inauguration.  His proclamation / recommendation to wear masks will have nothing to do with it.  He might as well ask us to wave dead chickens over our heads for 100 days.  The results are coming (nothing last forever) no matter what Joe says or does, but he will try his very best to take credit for the results.  This is the action of a typical, deceitful politician.  Way to go, Joe.  You’re already showing your true colors.

Hey Joe, why don’t you promise that green leaves will start growing on our trees 100 days after your inauguration if we all wear our masks.  That could (will) happen too!!


  1. No guarantee how many people will be vaccinated by June. Also, number of infections and deaths can vary considerably up to that time, depending on how we respond as individuals.

    1. None of these projections are mine. They are from the vast majority of healthcare professionals. The point of the article is that if this is Joe Biden's big plan, it will have no affect on Covid infections or deaths, because Americans are already wearing masks. However, Joe will try to take credit for the natural progression of this virus and President Trump's successful "warp speed" development of the vaccine.

      I'm taking bets right now on both aspects of this article. First, that this virus will be under control by June of next year and second that Joe will try to suggest that his pathetic mask suggestion is what accomplished it.

    2. "because Americans are already wearing masks"

      You know multiple legislators in the Arkansas GOP have sued Asa Hutchinson over even his moderate implementation of a mask requirement? Multiple sheriffs have said they won't enforce it. Maybe in our little corner of Arkansas you're seeing significant compliance in stores, but leave Benton/Washington County and it's a different world.

      That said, a press release by a guy most in the GOP won't even acknowledge will be president come January is the outrage of the day? Really? Everything else going on and THAT is it?
      Working hard to avoid the obvious, my friend.

    3. Americans wearing masks?

    4. Matt you point out Kevin's evidence as anecdotal, and then post a link to anecdotal evidence. Now I see why you and Joe would get along so well....

  2. That is yet another good point, arkansascpa!!!
