Monday, June 24, 2019

Hollywood and Bernie Sanders Duplicity

Hollywood and Bernie Sanders Duplicity
The View from the Middle

Sometimes even I am shocked at the level of hypocrisy and duplicity that can come out of our Hollywood “so-called” elites. The latest is a video starring Robert De Niro, Martin Sheen, Rob Reiner, Stephen King and others. Despite the nearly two-year investigation by Robert Mueller which found no collusion between Trump or anyone in his campaign and the Russians, these deluded, pompous, self-promoting nitwits continue to wallow in the Russian collusion myth. Their final message is that “No one is above the law, not even the President”. That is about the only thing in their little propaganda video that I agree with. No one is above the law.

But aren’t these the same nut bags that don’t want to deport illegal aliens back to their country of origin? Isn’t what they did against the law? These simpletons can read a script and clearly harbor intense hatred in their hearts, but their jobs as entertainers obviously hasn’t required them to learn how to think. They can’t have it both ways. If no one is above the law then they must rethink their stance on sanctuary cities and on illegal immigrants.

And then there is the new big lie being told by Bernie Sanders. I think that everyone understands that while tariffs are paid by countries, it is often the consumers that eventually pay those taxes as the prices go up on the goods they buy. In general, I’m against tariffs and I believe so is Donald Trump, but his tariffs on China, Canada, Mexico et cetera are aimed at solving bigger economic problems that those countries have created. At least we all understand the impact of tariffs, however, as the result of the media coverage of Trump’s tariffs.

But Bernie says that he can forgive everyone’s college debt and deliver free college for all by taxing the evil Wall Street speculators. He will tax all stock trade transactions by one half of a percent and all bond trades by on tenth of a percent. This a lie in at least three ways. First, he has no idea if this will pay for his two trillion dollar give away over ten years. He hasn’t considered at all that Wall Street will figure a way around these taxes by either executing fewer trades or investing in other areas.

Second, Bernie isn’t telling you that the bad old Wall Street guys will simply pass these taxes on to you and me, just like the tariffs. But Bernie won’t be honest and tell you that. Finally, another thing Bernie won’t tell you is that this is likely to actually drive college tuitions up. There is no such thing as free college tuition. Professors are still going to get paid. Administrators will continue to draw a salary and construction and maintenance of campuses will cost money and WE will pay for it. Don’t fall for it. There is no such thing as FREE college!! Bernie and the others are just buying your votes with YOUR MONEY.

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