Saturday, August 4, 2018

Advice for Trump and the NFL

Advice for Trump and the NFL
The View from the Middle

There are two national quarrels that I just don’t understand. The answers to me seem so simple, yet in each case both groups seem as bullheaded and inflexible as the north-going and south-going Zax of Dr. Seuss fame. If you haven’t heard that story, below is a link to a short video that will inform and entertain you while it helps you picture the ridiculous nature of these conflicts. Copy and paste into your browser.

I am amazed, for example, at how Roger Goodell and the NFL continue to trip over their own feet with their national anthem protest. The truth, which the NFL should be trumpeting, is that the vast majority of NFL players (I’m saying 99%+) believe that the United States is the greatest nation on the earth, even though it isn’t perfect. Where else could these players go to make the millions of dollars they pull in each year. The fact is, America’s capitalistic system has created a professional sports industry that has made them millionaires and even billionaires. There is no other country that offers this opportunity.

I also believe that the same percentage of NFL players would like to honor and respect our military, past and present. Who actually has disdain for the soldier that stormed the beaches of Normandy to help free Europe? A person can disagree with the conflict, like the Vietnam War, but the vast majority of Americans, which includes NFL players, appreciate the sacrifices that our soldiers have made for our benefit. In some cases, of course, these soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice.

I even believe that the vast majority of NFL players support our local police who risk their lives to protect all of us every day. I’m not asking NFL players to ignore any cause they see as important, but I would suggest that players stand for our anthem to honor all of the good members of our military, police and first responders. They have plenty of camera time between games to bring awareness to their issues. They could even petition the NFL to wear distinguishing apparel (like pink shoes for breast cancer) to signify their concern for equal justice and treatment of black America. This would not only show honor to our soldiers, etc. but also shouts their message for two hours instead of just two minutes without alienating fans. In a year when the murder of police officers is heading for record high numbers and deaths of unarmed black men may hit a record low, maybe it’s time lower the rhetoric and give respect to all concerned. Hopefully the NFL can figure out how to show respect for their players and fans at the same time.

Now, for the Trump team. Yesterday I saw Jim Acosta of CNN virtually beg Sarah Sanders to simply agree with Ivanka Trump and say that the media is not the enemy of the people. Believe me, I am no fan of Jim Acosta, but I think this is another example of a group, in this case the Trump administration, missing the obvious and easy answer in this contentious issue.

The truth is, the media is the fourth estate with a legitimate role to be an advocate for the people and to be a watchdog to ensure that our government is honest and true to their role to represent and protect our citizens. That does, however, require them then to be accurate, unbiased and balanced. None the less, much of our media is failing in that responsibility today. Over 90% of the coverage of President Trump by the major networks is negative, and no other President has even been close that number. The media, which is overwhelmingly liberal, continually ignores or under reports positive news or even somehow gives a negative spin to positive economic or domestic policy news. In fact, the coverage of Trump’s actual policies is also at an all-time low. Almost a quarter of their coverage, for example, is on one subject – Russia collusion, of which there is no actual evidence.

In my mind, the proper answer by Sarah Sanders to Jim Acosta’s question was a layup. She certainly was justified in pointing out the media’s horrible attacks on her personally, but she should have followed that with this statement. “Jim, you are right. An unbiased, accurate, balanced media has a very important and even critical role in the American society. It has special rights protected by our constitution, but it also has a tremendous responsibility to be fair, accurate and balanced. Today, many in the media are failing to perform that honorable and critical role for the people of The United States.”

To the Trump administration - the obstinate, hardline, “enemy of the people” rhetoric is over the top and a loser. To Jim Acosta and CNN - put some balance and truth in your reporting and you will make good on the vital role you should play in our society. You may even see your floundering trust and viewership numbers go up.

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