Friday, October 27, 2017

Of Trump, Clinton, Flake and others...

Washington Produces Narcissistic, Selfish, Back Stabbing, Lying, Hypocritical Bigots
The View from the Middle

In Romans 3:10, the Bible says that, “There is no one who is good, not even one!” As if to put an exclamation point on that thought, this week Washington D.C. put on a display of the most childish, crude, disgusting, dishonest and downright despicable behavior I have ever witnessed. To be clear, our politicians proved last week that no person or party holds the moral high ground in our nation's capital. In fact, I doubt they can even see the moral high ground from the sewer system they all occupy.
First, our President continued his 3rd grade, name-calling tweets that most of the country wishes he would stop. Even for those people who agree with his policies, it makes it difficult to defend him. But for those of you who believe Washington was ever an oasis of camaraderie and harmony, wake up! Before Trump, people in Washington would smile in your face and shake your hand and then try to destroy you behind your back. Some people say Trump is the most transparent President in our history and they applaud his blunt honesty. I personally don’t like the name-calling or the backstabbing but prefer that people actually show respect for each other and work together to solve problems.
Then you have Frederica Wilson’s hit job on the President. Even when the President has the best of intentions, there are some who will try to politicize it for their own benefit. Frederica said she was invited on this call. By whom? Did Trump invite you, Frederica? I doubt it. Did Trump even know you were listening? Even if what she did were not illegal, speakerphone etiquette would suggest that you should identify yourself if you are listening. Frederica, your 15 minutes are up. Go howl at the moon.
Then you had two Republican Senators, who didn’t have a prayer of re-election, stoop even below the President’s low bar for decorum and throw public verbal tantrums as they left. They kind of reminded me of Hillary Clinton. Which brings me to Hillary. Where should I start?
After denying any connection to Fusion GPS for months, it has been proven that Hillary and her campaign and the DNC not only knew about these slime balls, but they funded their work. And let’s stop calling this “opposition research”. Every politician does research on their opponents to find out what they have supported in the past or if there is any hypocrisy with their positions today. The word “research” implies a search for actual FACTS. What Hillary and the DNC did was to create a dossier of total BS that they could peddle to the media hoping to get someone to dip so low as to publish it. Their hope, I’m sure, was that by the time the actual truth came out, the election would be over and she would have won. This was a “smear job’ not opposition research.
And now we have the Uranium One deal, where we (that is Hillary, Eric Holder and others) decided to sell 20% of America’s Uranium supply to the Russians. Go back and read that sentence again. Does that even make sense? Now let’s add to this story the fact that the Clinton Foundation received $145 million from Russian companies connected with the Uranium One deal and Bill Clinton received a half million dollars for a twenty minute speech from a Russian bank with ties to Uranium One.
Of course, Hillary will claim that there is no connection between these payments and her decision to approve the deal. The Russians were giving money to the Clinton Foundation because of all the good work they do. Yah! And Bill’s inspiring words are worth $25,000 a minute (plus expenses of course). There are a few people who will fall for that line of bull, but the fact is even President Obama asked Hillary not to accept funds from these sources because of the optics it created. I have to agree with our former President on that.
Hillary has used the “I misremembered” and “I don’t recall” defense to keep her out of jail up to now. James Comey let her off the hook for her improper server because he couldn’t prove “intent” to break the law, but at some point in time we all have to admit that some facts speak for themselves. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton should not have been taking money from foreign entities while making decisions that impacted those same countries. Would you want Trump to sell Alaska to the Russians and then build a hotel in Moscow for free the next week? No connection of course.
Yes, this week has simply validated in my mind that Washington is full of narcissistic, selfish, backstabbing, lying hypocritical bigots on both sides of the political spectrum. The only question is – do they come there with that disposition or does the atmosphere of absolute power in Washington produce them over time. I believe it is the latter, so term limits will slowly weed out the converted, while not creating new ones and allow our government to work for “we the people” as our founders intended.


  1. Wow, you hit it out of the ball park on every point made in this well written post. Excellent!!

  2. Kevin,

    After sending your recent post to several of my friends here in Atlanta, I just received the following note from one of my friends that was the Executive VP and General Manager at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Lee Rhyant.

    This is one of best articles I've ever read..I totally agree with his verbage and style. Very well done.

    Thanks for sharing. If you get anymore send them my way.

  3. Bill, you truly are the man. My blog readership has taken a recent surge. Now I know the source - The Bill Rouse Factor. Keep passing them on!!

  4. Excellent! Thank you for putting that together. In lots fewer words than I'm seeing anywhere in the establishment media, you describe the reality of today. Thank you. (Alice Beard, also from Mishawaka way back when.)

  5. Alice, were you a Knight or a Caveman or a Kingsman?
