Thursday, December 29, 2016

Obama - Hypocrisy as an Art Form

Obama – Hypocrisy as an Art Form
The View from the Middle

The average hypocrite will try to say one thing one day and then do the opposite in the weeks, months or years that follow. President Obama is more than capable of that kind of hypocrisy.

The President used his famous “there is no black America and no white America” speech to paint himself has the great uniter, and it was on more than race. In the same speech he said, “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is (just) the United States of America”. These are really great words that paint a wonderful, positive picture, but let’s see how this Duplicitor In Chief did against this promise of unity.

From “the Beer Summit” to Trayvon Martin to Ferguson, the President has taken sides, and the wrong side at that. The Beer Summit was a clumsy apology, George Zimmerman was found innocent and “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened. By virtually every measure, today this country is more divided racially than when the President took office. Even the President himself was forced to admit this lack of unity earlier this year and paint it as one of his great regrets.

But certainly he must have done better delivering on his promise to reach across the aisle and unite Democrats and Republicans. Not really. In fact, he has done the opposite. Remember when he told Republicans that they would have to “sit in the back seat” when it came to legislation. How about when he passed his signature legislation (Obama Care) without a single Republican vote in either House of Congress. And of course we all remember his notorious “I’ve got a phone and a pen” statement that told the Republican Congress he was going to by-pass them completely.

Now, that’s what I call “reaching across the aisle”. Unfortunately it has been with a fist instead of an open hand. But this kind of hypocrisy is child’s play compared to recent events. Many people had forgotten his promises by the time he delivered the opposite. These days, The President can make and break promises within days and sometimes within the same speech.

After the election of Donald Trump, The President promised the most positive and effective transition in history. So, what has he done? First, he came out and stated that he would have won a third term if he had run again. This, of course, is totally unprovable either way and simply serves as a slap in the face of the President Elect. I guess it’s part of his plan to deliver the best transition ever, and just a real classy thing to do.

Next, The President decides that he is finally going to get tough with Putin, in the last 21 days of his Presidency. Never mind that Putin laughed at Hillary’s “reset button”. Never mind that The President let Putin run wild through Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and Syria. As he is closing the door on his Presidency he has decided to take a hard line and make some threats to Putin that he can’t possibly deliver. This is also a “no-win” situation for Trump. If he makes good on Obama’s promises, it will certainly make Putin even more difficult to deal with in the years to come. If he cancels the sanctions, Trump will be seen as Putin’s puppet. Thanks, Barry.

And finally, the piece de resistance of Obama’s hypocrisy is his betrayal of Israel at the UN. This act is a classic because it allows Barack Obama to break two promises simultaneously and caused John Kerry to contradict himself within his own speech.

Let’s be clear. This treachery will not help Donald Trump get off to a fast start as President and is not part of a seamless transition for the President Elect. This will be a distraction in the first, critical 100 days of the Trump Presidency. It will delay or totally prevent work the new President must do to deliver on his promises to create jobs, secure the border, reform the tax code and reduce the country’s regulatory burden, etc., etc., etc. Again, thanks Barry.

Finally, John Kerry’s speech may go down in history as the most illogical spiel ever given as he tried to hide the betrayal that was so evident to the rest of the world. He actually tried to claim that the Obama administration was the most the most pro-Israeli administration in our history – AS he was stabbing them in the back. That was the pinnacle of hypocrisy.

Kerry compared Israel’s building of apartments (settlements) in the West Bank to the Palestinians’ practice of launching rockets into Israel and blowing up innocent women and children. He also failed to remind the world that the Palestinians and their terrorist arm Hamas will not recognize Israel’s right to exist and have, in fact, promised to wipe Israel and all Jews off of the face of the earth. How would you like to have these guys as your neighbor?

Personally, I’m never surprised with hypocrisy in Washington. This last gasp of duplicity by the Obama administration, however, has set a new outrageous standard.


  1. It doesn't appear that you have stayed true to the middle, rather leaning quite right! There are no solutions in this blog rather just criticisms. Didn't see the positive aspects of anyone, conservative or liberal, in this writing as the intro suggests, just total slamming of President Obama! If you were truly trying to represent both sides when you mentioned the president bypassing congress, you would also mention that congress had said openly that they would try and destroy anything he tried to do from the beginning. That is both sides of the story, the middle. Just saying!

    1. Teresa,
      I'll we quick to criticize Trump, and already have. Check the timeline on Mitch McConnell's famous non-cooperation comment, which I denounced. Obama had already publicly dis'd Republicans three times. The big answer is "unity". And I'll let you know when I see it.
