Thursday, July 21, 2016

There Must be an "i" in Cruz

There Must be an “i” in Cruz
The View from the Middle

And there is an “i” in Kasich.  What do these guys not understand about teamwork?  Both Cruiz and Kasich stood on the stage at the very first debate and pompously committed to support whatever candidate “the people” selected to represent them through the Republican primary process.  There weren’t any exceptions then, when they were still dreaming that they would be the ultimate winner. 
When the dust settled, however, Donald Trump was the clear winner.  Did the people like his tough, take no prisoners approach to campaigning?  Did they like his simple but clear policies, like building a wall or creating more “America friendly” trade agreements?  Did they like the idea that Trump was going shake up Washington and actually make it work for “we the people”?  It doesn’t matter.  In the beginning I would have preferred Kasich and Cruiz to Donald Trump, particularly Kasich who I saw as a guy from the middle, but today I wouldn’t vote for either of them for any political office.  Just to remind you, my number one choice was Carly Fiorina, whom I voted for despite the fact that she had already suspended her campaign.
The only thing Cruiz and Kasich are proving now is that they never understood the concept of “taking one for the team”.   I guess their parents never taught them the lesson of putting others before themselves.  Maybe they just got the definitions of selfless and selfish mixed up.  Whatever their psychological issues are, these two jerks have just confirmed in the minds of virtually every American that politicians are sleazy, dishonest, self-serving, narcissistic prima donnas. 
But, the more I thought about it; this snobby, self-absorbed approach may just backfire on these guys.  I didn’t think it was possible, but the actions of Cruiz and Kasich actually make Donald Trump look reasonable.  He hasn’t blasted Kasich for his truancy at a convention held in his own state, and he even gave Rubio and Cruiz speaking slots at the convention. 
I’m sure that one of the main purposes of this convention was to make the tough, unyielding, and often childish Donald Trump look soft, caring and magnanimous.  Unwittingly, Cruiz and Kasich may have accomplished that goal for Trump singlehandedly.

And just to be sure you understand me; I would call this disgraceful conduct for either party.  This was a violation of the basic principles of right behavior.  If you make a promise – keep it.  How can you put an entire country first if you can’t see beyond your own pride?

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