Wednesday, September 16, 2015

PS to the Bernie Sanders Bible study

PS to the Bernie Sanders Bible Study Lesson
The View from the Middle

A friend of mine reminded me yesterday that there are many more areas where the Bible does not support Mr. Sanders ideology.  For example, given verses like Jeremiah 1:5 (Before I was formed in the womb, God knew me) and Psalm 139:13 (He created my inmost being; He knit me together in my mother’s womb) I doubt God would approve of partial-birth abortion. 

Bernie, read the whole book – through God’s eyes instead of distorting it with the lens of your personal ideological agenda.


  1. Bernie's mother & father are both Jewish & I'm pretty sure Bernie knows the Bible, Kevin. I myself am pro-life because I don't think destroying a baby in the womb is a good thing. But I am a realist & I fully know that regardless of how you, me, & many others feel about abortion, the point of the matter is that abortions are & will continue to take place. To strive to make abortion illegal is unrealistic. As unrealistic as reversing black rights, women rights, & gay rights. This is the society & the culture we are currently living in. Accept it & move on. =)

    1. Summer, you continue to leap to conclusions that I do not endorse. Reversing black rights? Have you watched any of my videos? Women's right's? How about a baby's right to live? Watch my video on abortion. Here's a link.

      My stance is that we should have fewer, and I hope you agree with that. Bill Clinton once said that abortion should be "safe, legal and rare". We've worked hard on the safe and legal part. Now it's time to make abortion rare.

    2. Kevin, you need to re-read what I wrote the first time. Nowhere did I "leap to conclusions," actually. I plainly said; "To strive to make abortion illegal is unrealistic. As unrealistic as reversing black rights, women rights, & gay rights. This is the society & the culture we are currently living in." It would be fantastic if American women would "have fewer" abortions. You & I both know that it's not going to happen though. This world is not getting any better. People are not going to cutback on sexual intercourse. It's just not going to happen. Making abortion "rare" in an unrealistic pipedream. I hate to break it to ya, but people are set in their ways & abortions will continue to happen. Why are you fighting a battle that won't ever be won until Jesus Christ returns??

    3. Summer,
      Do you really think that Jesus Christ would tell us not to fight against abortion or sexual immorality or murder or stealing or any other sin even if we think it would be difficult - to accept sin and bad behavior just because it is in man's (and woman's) nature? Even if your effort just kept the situation from getting worse it would be worth it. And I hope your wrong about my "pipe dream".

      But, more importantly, I actually think we can make a difference. I think we can reduce the number of abortions in America if we made a concerted effort against that issue. I think we can improve the situation of black America. I think we can improve our health and education systems in this country, but we have to accept these things as goals and commit to plans for improvement. Have you watched my youtube video on abortion?

    4. Sorry, I meant to type "I hope you're wrong about my pipe dream." I hate it when I do things like that.

    5. No. I don't think that our Savior Jesus would want us to turn a blind-eye to the importance of the murder of unborn human life. However, it is not our personal duty as children of God to point out others "flaws" or "sins" or "shortcomings" that we feel are unethical or wrong. God Almighty alone is our Judge. The Holy Spirit directs & guides an individual. He gives each & every one of us free will. We each have a choice to choose right or wrong. But who are we to judge another's "morality scale?" That is ultimately between the individual & their Creator.

      Honestly Kevin, I do hope I am wrong in thinking that American women having less abortions is an unrealistic pipedream. I am a pragmatic & it's quite difficult for me to see past our culture & society's downward spiral. Ya know? YES - I did watch you & your daughter's discussion about abortion! VERY compelling!! You remind me a lot of my Dad, Robert Bunbury.

      So my question for you is do you stop a moving train? A ton of abortions are done out of desperation, poverty, & as "quick-fix" birth control. If a female has no other option (in her mind & financial situation) then what are your options for these females, besides abortion? I am extremely curious what your thoughts are on this matter.

      By-the-way, it's all good. I totally knew what you meant. I'm not a stickler when it comes to grammar. ~_*

    6. Summer,
      I really would attack abortion as I suggest in my video, but it will probably take a President with real guts and clout to pull it off (like Kennedy or Reagan). And my five year turn around might be aggressive. It may be a long tough battle to change the attitude of our country.

      I do feel for women who find themselves in the circumstances you describe. That's why I called my video "the choice no woman wants to make". As you can tell from the video, part of my solution is to make it so fewer women find themselves in those situations, the other part is to give women more options once there, like adoption.

      If more people had your Christ-Centered perspective, for example, the country would be much better off. Thanks for the great discussion and God bless you!

    7. I fully agree with you, Kevin. It most definitely will take a President with real guts to pull it off! I've been hearing rumors of a Government Shutdown this Fall over the Planned Parenthood issue. Perhaps this is the spark that might get the fire going (?) I surely hope that fellow believers across our Nation join together in prayer concerning such matters. Spiritual Warfare & the Lord's supernatural guidance is the only real chance we've got with such an intense battle.

      Yes indeed, I concur. Abortion is "the choice no woman wants to make." That is a good idea - making it so "fewer women find themselves in those situations." Perhaps Planned Parenthood & other clinics & shelters can offer free IUD's? I think a lot of gals are just too lazy or scatterbrained to take birth control pills on a daily basis. I believe IUD's last for like 5 years or so. Anywho, just a thought. Adoption is always an option. It's pretty neat that now all these gay couples are marrying, there will be a lot more children being adopted into loving homes. Hopefully.

      Oh Kevin.....My heart & life belong to Jesus. I strive to "Love God" & to "Love others," like Jesus has commanded His followers to do. Christ has been my Best Friend & my Master for 27 years & I've vowed to our Heavenly Father to be Jesus Christ's Ambassador till the day I die. I know there are many people that hate my guts for being passionate about my love & dedication to Father God, but someday when I see my Savior face-to-face & we embrace, it will ALL be worth it =)

      Thank YOU Kevin!! I have thoroughly enjoyed chatting with you as well. May God bless you & continue to speak Truth to your heart & mind. Peace!!
