Monday, July 21, 2014

Governmental Insanity - Quick thought

First, we all have to remember that "THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO MONEY".  All the money it spends comes from me and you.  So, as President Obama takes off in Air Force One on one of his fundraising trips, keep in mind that WE are paying for it.  Oh sure, they'll try their best to sell us on some cock-and-bull "official" business excuse for the trip, like visiting a woman who wrote the President a letter, but we all know the purpose of the trip.  By the way, I wrote a letter to the Pres.  When is he coming to visit me?

Now, they keep Presidential travel costs top secret (probably because it would make us all sick if we saw it) but let's do a quick logic checklist.  You have advance teams, multiple planes, including Air Force One to the tune of about $175,000 per hour, and of course we have send at least 10 doctors with the President in case he gets a hangnail while he is in Austin.  This trip could easily cost us, the taxpayers $10 million so that the President can raise $2 or $3 million for his Democratic buddies.  Only in our government would anyone consider that a wise investment of tax payer dollars.  If this doesn't tick you off, you either have too much money or too few brains, so I hope you're ticked!!

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