The View from the Middle
Back in 2014, I revealed the dirty little secret that terrorist groups employ around the world to extend their control and power. They have figured out that it’s easier to divide and destroy than it is to unite and build. The Twin Towers took seven years and the labor of thousands of people to build, but it took the demented effort of just 19 fanatics to bring them down in a few short hours. It takes nine months to knit together the trillions of cells that is a child, but it takes just a few minutes to abort that life. When are we going to learn?
Today, our country is being bombarded by multiple empty and negative campaigns that are designed to rip us apart, but promise to deliver nothing but hate and division. Critical Race Theory (CRT) pits blacks against whites and whites against blacks. It, at best, ignores the great progress we have made as a nation to bring true freedom and equality of opportunity to all of our people. At worst, it denies it. Even Bill Maher, liberal late-night talk show host, shines light on the falsity of that thinking.
I am on record as promoting the idea that we should all know and understand every aspect of our history. There certainly are regrets in our past, but there is also much to be proud of. There are men and women to be ashamed of, but there are also men and women we should honor. CRT dwells on the negative aspects of our history as they push their “rear view mirror” approach to life. The truth is, however, that while we should be aware of the past, we must be focused on the future if we are going to continue on our path to equality of opportunity. CRT offers no plans for unity, only hatred and division as it suggests that we walk backwards into the future.
“Intersectionality” is another negative, destructive philosophy that is now being peddled throughout our country. If you look at the chart that explains this ludicrous philosophy, you’ll see that it divides Americans into 30 different slices. It is the absolute definition of “divide and conquer”, just ask basketball Hall of Famer, Charles Barkley. It suggests that if you are white, you are an oppressor. And if you are black, you are a victim (oppressed). There are no qualifiers. Intersectionality demands that you judge people by their skin color, sexual orientation, gender and even age, but says nothing about the content of anyone’s character.
Try to explain this to a six-year-old. Tell him or her that if they are white, they are an oppressor and if they are black, they are a victim. This is a terrible message no matter what side of the chart you land on. It thwarts the prospect for a positive outcome in the future no matter where you fall on the chart. Intersectionality offers no plan for the future at all. It simply splits the country into 30 warring groups, and turns both halves against each other. It’s easy to divide.
And finally, the country has recently been plagued by the explosion of “the cancel culture” where a group of self-identified judges tries to ruin the lives of people with whom they disagree. I thought that America was the champion of freedom of speech and thought. Heaven forbid that anyone in this country should dare have a different opinion than these arrogant, condescending “McCarthyites”. The real goal, however, of this pompous, self-righteous group is to avoid the debate altogether. If they can silent everyone who disagrees with them, they believe they win the argument, but what really happens is that America loses.
The bottom line for the cancel culture is that they contribute nothing to the future and our progress in it. They are solely focused on the destruction of anything different. Seek and destroy is their motto. Eliminating interaction is their game.
When will we learn as a country and as a people? We need to reject these programs or philosophies that demonize and divide our country while also offering no real vision of a brighter future. We, as a country, should continue to ride the horse that brought us here, which is a great place. It is a place where millions of people risk their lives to get to every day. It is a place that has delivered us from the ravages of slavery to our first black President and Vice President in just the last 12 years.
It is a place where we have the freedom of speech and thought and of worship, unless we allow the frauds of CRT, Intersectionality and the cancel culture to strip us of those fundamental rights. It is the battle of ideas, not the stifling of them, that will deliver better solutions for us than any one sided, one party system ever could. We can and should unite around our founding documents, like The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence, and our founding principles of liberty, equality of opportunity and faith in God. That is what will unite our country and deliver us to that brighter tomorrow that we should all be striving to build together.